Vector maps

Bootstrap 5 Vector maps plugin

Responsive Vector maps plugin built with the latest Bootstrap 5. Customizable map display options such as , custom zoom, and many more.

Note: Read the API tab to find all available options and advanced customization

Basic example

You can auto initialize your map with most of the available options without any additional JavaScript - simply add class `vector-map` to a div element and set properties via data-mdb-attributes.

Note: Color-coding your map requires JavaScript initialization.

          <div class="vector-map" id="map-1" data-mdb-select-region="CA"></div>
          <p class="px-3">Selected: <strong id="map-1-selection">Canada</strong></p>
          const map = document.getElementById('map-1');
          const selectedCountry = document.getElementById('map-1-selection');

          map.addEventListener('select', (e) => {
            selectedCountry.innerText = e.selected ? e.selected.title : '-';


Checkout the API tab to learn more about available maps.

          <div class="vector-map" data-mdb-map="africa"></div>


Setting the readonly attribute to true will disable selecting regions.

Select region:
          <h5 class="px-3">Select region:</h5>
          <div class="d-flex flex-wrap px-3 pb-3">
            <button class="select-region-btn btn btn-outline-primary me-2 my-2" data-mdb-region="US">
              United States
            <button class="select-region-btn btn btn-primary me-2 my-2" data-mdb-region="IN">
            <button class="select-region-btn btn btn-outline-primary me-2 my-2" data-mdb-region="RU">
            <button class="select-region-btn btn btn-outline-primary me-2 my-2" data-mdb-region="CN">
            <button class="select-region-btn btn btn-outline-primary me-2 my-2" data-mdb-region="PL">
            <button class="select-region-btn btn btn-outline-primary me-2 my-2" data-mdb-region="FR">
          const mapInstance = VectorMap.getInstance(document.getElementById('map-readonly'));
          const btns = document.getElementsByClassName('select-region-btn');

          const setActiveBtn = (region) => {
            btns.forEach((btn) => {
              if (btn.getAttribute('data-mdb-region') === region) {
              } else {

          btns.forEach((btn) => {
            btn.addEventListener('click', () => {
              const region = btn.getAttribute('data-mdb-region');


Color-coded map with legend

Color-coding is possible with colorCode array - each object consists of the following keys: fill(string representing color) and regions - array of region's IDs.

Note: add hover: false to disable fill change on mouseover.

Annual growth:
  • 0-4%
  • 4-12%
  • 12-25%
  • 25-50%
  • 50-75%
  • > 75%
          <div id="map-colors" style="background-color: #bbdefb;"></div>
          <div class="p-3 border-top">
            <h6>Annual growth:</h6>
            <ul class="vector-map-legend">
              <li class="vector-map-legend__item my-2">
                <div class="vector-map-legend__color me-2" style="background-color: #b2ebf2;"></div>
              <li class="vector-map-legend__item my-2">
                <div class="vector-map-legend__color me-2" style="background-color: #80deea;"></div>
              <li class="vector-map-legend__item my-2">
                <div class="vector-map-legend__color me-2" style="background-color: #4dd0e1;"></div>
              <li class="vector-map-legend__item my-2">
                <div class="vector-map-legend__color me-2" style="background-color: #26c6da;"></div>
              <li class="vector-map-legend__item my-2">
                <div class="vector-map-legend__color me-2" style="background-color: #00bcd4;"></div>
              <li class="vector-map-legend__item my-2">
                <div class="vector-map-legend__color me-2" style="background-color: #00acc1;"></div>
                > 75%
          const map = document.getElementById('map-colors');
          const mapInstance = new VectorMap(map, {
            strokeWidth: 0.2,
            readonly: true,
            fill: 'white',
            hover: false,
            colorMap: [
              { fill: '#B2EBF2', regions: ['CN', 'PL', 'AU', 'NZ'] },
              { fill: '#80DEEA', regions: ['FR', 'GB', 'NO', 'FI', 'IE', 'RU'] },
              { fill: '#4DD0E1', regions: ['US', 'CN', 'ES', 'DE', 'PR'] },
              { fill: '#26C6DA', regions: ['BE', 'BB', 'CZ', 'DK'] },
              { fill: '#00BCD4', regions: ['LY', 'LI', 'MC', 'SI'] },
              { fill: '#00ACC1', regions: ['TH', 'VN'] },

Data from API with custom tooltips

To customize tooltips, you need to set options.colorMap.regions to an array of objects (instead of strings). Each object should consist of two keys - id (region's ID) and tooltip (the additional tooltip's content).

          <div id="api-map" style="background-color: #bbdefb;" ;></div>
          <div class="p-3 border-top">
            <ul id="api-legend" class="vector-map-legend"></ul>
          const map = document.getElementById('api-map');
          const legend = document.getElementById('api-legend');

          const colorMap = [
            { fill: '#fff', regions: [], min: 0, max: 1000000 },
            { fill: '#E8F5E9', regions: [], min: 1000000, max: 5000000 },
            { fill: '#A5D6A7', regions: [], min: 5000000, max: 10000000 },
            { fill: '#66BB6A', regions: [], min: 10000000, max: 20000000 },
            { fill: '#43A047', regions: [], min: 20000000, max: 50000000 },
            { fill: '#388E3C', regions: [], min: 50000000, max: 100000000 },
            { fill: '#2E7D32', regions: [], min: 100000000, max: 1000000000 },
            { fill: '#1B5E20', regions: [], min: 1000000000, max: 1 / 0 },

          const generateLegend = (colorMap) => {
            return colorMap
              .map(({ fill, min, max }) => {
                return `
                  <li class="vector-map-legend__item my-2">
                      class="vector-map-legend__color me-2 border"
                      style="background-color: \$\{fill\}"
                    ${min} - ${max}

          legend.innerHTML = generateLegend(colorMap);

            .then((response) => response.json())
            .then((data) => {
     => {
                const { cca2, population, capital, flags } = country;
                const section = colorMap.find((section) => {
                  return population >= section.min && population < section.max;

                if (!section) {

                  id: cca2,
                  tooltip: `
                      <img src="${flags.webp}" class="my-1" style="max-width: 40px">

              const mapInstance = new VectorMap(map, {
                readonly: true,
                strokeWidth: 0.2,
                hover: false,
                fill: 'white',

Custom zoom

Vector Maps enable customizing the zoom behaviour (max, min & step values).

          <div class="vector-map" data-mdb-zoom-max="4" data-mdb-zoom-min="2" data-mdb-zoom-step="0.2" data-mdb-scale="2"></div>

Disable zoom events

Setting the zoomEvents option to false will disable zooming on wheel/pinch events.

          <div class="vector-map" data-mdb-zoom-events="false"></div>

Custom SVG map

It's possible to use your custom SVG map with VectorMap component - just remember to set id and name (or title) attributes for each path.

          <div class="vector-map">
              mapsvg:geoViewBox="-127.55272679845754 50.66828705652597 -64.54920772895363 24.335873369454947"
              viewBox="477 421 593.3779761904764 318.2870370370371"
                d="m 350.42444,49.906064 0,7.85 0,7.74 0,7.64 0,7.54 0,7.44 0,7.35 0,7.259996 0,7.17 0,7.08 0,7 0,6.91 0,6.83 0,6.75 0,6.68 0,6.6 0,6.55 0,6.46 0,6.39 0,6.32 0,6.26 0,6.19 0,6.13 0,6.07 0,6.01 0,5.95 0,5.89 0,5.83 0,5.78 0,5.72 0,5.67 0,5.62 0,5.57 2.25,0.78 2.23,0.77 0.68,-1.54 2.41,1.18 2.1,1.03 1.34,-1.32 1.45,-1.43 1.96,-0.1 2.2,-0.11 1.46,-0.08 0,1.22 -0.54,2.02 -0.45,1.68 1.21,1.54 0.12,0.16 1.64,0.89 1.54,0.83 0.69,2.3 1.68,1.77 1.28,1.34 1.23,1.28 1.75,1.83 1.23,1.28 1.64,1.7 0.97,1.01 0.47,1.96 0.56,2.34 -0.35,1.38 0.77,0.22 1.52,-1.55 1.42,-0.96 1.76,-1.19 1.19,-0.8 2.21,-0.04 1.05,-2.34 0,-3.3 1.12,0.06 0.66,-0.45 0.29,-0.97 -0.7,-1.33 2.12,-0.62 1.53,-0.45 2.18,-1.23 2.13,-1.2 1.02,0.93 1.01,0.9 1.97,2.16 0.14,0.52 -0.13,1.01 -0.19,1.01 1.2,2.82 0.34,0.31 0.99,0.39 1.18,0.93 0.52,0.81 1.71,1.28 0.29,0.53 0.16,0.86 0.28,0.74 0.32,0.53 0.31,0.75 0.74,0.88 1.41,0.99 0.97,0.68 1.37,0.96 1.38,1.95 1.2,1.69 1.37,1.66 -0.2,1.32 1.39,2.04 1.46,2.58 1.12,2.28 0.8,1.27 0.95,1.84 1.17,2.24 1.33,2.54 1.02,1.63 1.33,2.27 0.65,1.35 -0.44,0.92 -0.55,1.14 1.7,0.54 1.18,0.37 -0.3,1.26 -0.39,1.66 1.33,0.65 0.91,0.44 -0.19,0.87 0.5,0.98 0.08,1.62 1.63,-0.1 0.72,-0.05 0.97,0.72 1.28,0.95 1.28,0.88 1.1,0.75 1.44,0.45 1.77,0.64 0.87,1.31 1.62,0.56 0.6,1.82 1.87,0.67 1.1,-0.45 0.39,0.74 0.31,0.85 0.08,1.07 -0.1,1.04 -0.47,0.87 -0.35,0.94 -0.24,1.01 -0.09,1.08 0.06,1.16 0.19,1.01 0.57,1.86 0.19,1.14 0.03,0.75 -1.27,2.65 -0.44,1.26 0.04,0.56 -0.93,1.31 -1.7,1.83 -0.77,1.05 -0.38,-0.35 -2.2,-0.27 -0.8,-2.33 -0.42,-1.81 -0.64,-1.58 0.02,-0.36 0.58,-1.06 2.2,-0.87 0.02,-0.35 -0.82,-0.23 -0.2,-0.38 -0.22,-1.73 0.06,-1.52 -0.06,-1.01 -0.37,-2.07 -0.55,-1.27 -1.42,-2.48 -0.12,-0.63 0.62,-0.79 0.39,-0.74 -2.4,1.28 -3.27,1.34 -1.4,0.93 -0.29,0.37 -0.1,0.32 0.26,0.88 -0.04,0.28 -0.29,0.52 -0.34,1.46 -0.71,1.55 -0.36,0.32 -1.28,-0.58 -0.34,-0.49 -0.64,-2.02 0.15,-0.54 0.47,-0.46 0.63,-0.98 0.8,-1.52 1.52,-3.87 1,-0.02 1.76,-0.77 -2.76,-0.39 -0.41,-0.2 -0.37,-0.53 -0.33,-0.86 -0.56,-0.96 -1.05,-0.34 -0.46,-0.35 -0.69,-1.16 -0.46,-0.52 -0.25,-0.65 -0.04,-0.77 -0.2,-0.39 -0.72,-0.14 -0.39,-0.27 -0.11,-2 -1.43,-0.52 -0.59,-0.44 -0.94,-1.25 -0.26,-0.61 -0.08,-0.51 0.23,-1.39 -0.1,-0.26 -0.84,0.14 -5.2,-2.16 0.27,-2.86 -0.96,-3.79 -1.03,-1.54 0.21,-0.6 0.22,-0.32 0.46,-0.01 1.99,1.12 1.88,1.33 0.24,-0.19 -3,-2.82 -0.75,-0.85 -0.19,-1.02 -0.01,-0.55 0.24,-0.29 2.82,0.25 0.17,-0.21 -2.85,-0.83 -0.58,0 -0.63,1.19 -0.3,0.28 -0.61,-0.06 -0.21,-0.18 -0.73,-1.45 -0.69,-1.01 -1.29,-1.4 -0.24,-1 -0.06,-1.47 0.17,-1.4 1.05,-3.2 0.42,-0.56 0.11,-0.35 -0.32,0.05 -0.31,0.31 -0.87,1.49 -0.9,2.44 -0.73,0.83 -0.46,-0.2 -0.69,-0.99 -1.45,-1.21 -1.68,-0.31 -1.06,-1.24 -1.57,-3.47 -0.21,-1.73 -0.2,-0.42 -0.85,-0.56 -0.52,-0.84 -0.81,-4.26 -1.06,-2.98 -0.27,-1.58 0.09,-1.57 -0.14,-0.17 -0.37,1.22 -0.1,0.64 -0.67,0.18 0.63,1.24 0.16,0.62 -0.32,-0.05 -0.65,0.15 1.09,2.1 0.49,3.25 0.73,2.39 0.47,1.93 0.21,1.46 0.31,1.4 0.85,3.07 0.12,0.61 -0.1,0.5 -0.28,0.59 -0.48,0.22 -1.52,-0.4 -0.57,-0.76 -0.82,-1.39 -1.15,-0.64 -2.84,0.32 -0.23,-0.11 0.01,-1.14 0.33,-2.04 -0.26,-0.82 -1.47,-3.01 0.02,-0.59 2.04,-1.39 -0.99,-0.11 -0.8,0.54 -0.31,-0.35 -0.48,-1.94 -0.31,-0.72 -0.15,-0.16 -0.09,1.85 0.34,0.97 0.05,0.56 -0.05,0.78 -0.21,0.56 -0.37,0.34 -0.37,0.09 -0.69,-0.39 -0.76,-0.73 -0.67,-0.35 -0.25,-0.29 -0.32,-0.81 -0.52,-0.62 -2.49,-0.78 -1.49,-0.92 -0.12,0.24 0.46,0.99 0.04,0.58 -0.38,0.18 -0.67,0.94 0.19,0.13 0.71,-0.31 0.79,0.04 1.31,0.57 1.19,0.74 0.43,0.42 0.18,0.62 0.15,0.22 1.16,0.72 0.06,0.38 -0.75,1.12 1.54,-0.12 0.9,0.4 1.15,1.73 0.39,0.96 0.05,1.23 -0.24,0.36 -0.46,0.25 -3.13,0.4 -1.13,1.48 -0.23,0.02 -0.86,-0.4 -1.56,-1.18 -1.95,-1.12 -4.44,-3.34 -0.12,-0.16 -0.07,-0.65 -0.31,-0.33 -0.6,-0.28 -0.84,-0.85 -1.07,-1.42 -0.66,-1.11 -0.25,-0.8 -0.62,-0.92 -2.01,-1.92 -1.05,-0.74 -0.93,-0.42 -0.81,-0.09 -0.22,-0.26 0.37,-0.42 0.05,-0.25 -1.78,-0.4 -1.7,-0.91 -4.3,-2.55 -2.22,-1.6 -1.3,-0.77 -0.55,-0.43 -0.24,-0.35 0.31,-0.37 0.87,-0.38 0.59,-0.44 0.93,-1.63 0.07,-0.53 -0.5,-1.19 -0.22,-1.09 0.01,-0.6 0.11,-0.6 0.14,-0.39 0.39,-0.38 0.28,-0.19 0.34,0.13 1.09,1.5 0.15,0.54 -0.05,2.04 0.31,2.38 0.1,-0.17 0.1,-0.79 0.06,-1.5 0.12,-0.72 0.23,-0.71 0.4,-0.37 1.23,0.22 0.57,-0.13 -2.4,-1.08 -1.51,-2.03 -0.27,-0.21 -0.82,-0.09 -0.87,0.82 -2.25,2.67 -0.63,0.47 -2.82,1.48 -1.91,0.3 -2.15,-0.23 -1.83,-0.48 -4.6,-2.33 -0.72,-0.54 1.07,-1.45 0.04,-0.45 -0.37,-1.48 -0.31,-0.42 -0.44,-0.23 -0.12,0.17 0,0.44 0.12,0.81 -0.35,0.43 -0.78,0.46 -1.32,0.47 -4.08,-1.19 -4.18,-0.99 -3.74,-0.21 -5.28,0.79 -2.81,0.79 -1.64,0.08 -1.58,-0.14 -0.13,-0.55 0.72,-0.32 -0.04,-0.4 -0.91,-1.25 -1.39,-0.76 -1.86,-0.27 -1.06,-0.37 -0.27,-0.47 -0.66,-0.44 -1.04,-0.42 -0.46,-0.76 0.37,-2.36 0.36,-1.42 0.36,-0.98 0.9,-1.62 -0.31,0.12 -1.31,1.19 -1.14,1.22 -1.05,1.59 -0.63,0.73 -0.81,0.67 -1.26,-0.16 -1.71,-0.99 -1.46,-0.51 -1.22,-0.03 -0.48,-0.17 0.83,-0.89 0.48,-0.71 0.66,-1.15 0.14,-0.56 -4.46,-0.18 -0.16,-0.61 -0.01,-0.45 -0.14,-0.37 -0.65,-0.28 -0.91,0.21 -1.47,0.72 -0.64,-0.55 0.23,-0.31 0.48,-0.22 0.98,-1.04 -1.32,-0.54 -0.67,-0.62 -0.33,-0.51 0.02,-1.84 0.35,-1.18 2.96,-1.15 -0.94,-0.45 -1.87,0.16 -1.25,0.98 -1.49,1.41 -1,0.53 -0.51,-0.36 -0.67,-0.12 -0.84,0.11 -0.56,0.36 -0.29,0.61 -0.33,0.41 -0.38,0.21 -0.27,-0.07 -0.4,-0.62 -0.85,-0.39 -0.41,-0.48 -0.24,0.3 -0.29,0.9 -0.3,0.46 -1.43,0.47 -0.79,-0.09 -0.94,-1.13 -0.14,-0.39 0.32,-0.98 2.06,-3.89 -0.21,0.02 -0.67,0.61 -1.33,1.56 -0.59,0.46 -1.02,0.06 -0.48,-0.17 -0.58,0.13 -0.68,0.42 -0.44,0.46 -0.21,0.49 0.14,0.08 1.02,-0.56 0.58,-0.15 0.16,0.27 -0.8,1.75 -0.48,1.66 -0.46,0.42 -0.73,-0.07 -0.8,0.16 -0.01,0.46 1.49,1.33 0.54,0.19 0.69,0.47 0.1,0.47 -0.26,1.27 -0.2,0.5 -0.31,0.26 -1.22,-0.04 -0.39,0.13 -0.82,0.79 -0.41,0.66 0.15,0.06 0.71,-0.54 1.03,-0.29 1.35,-0.04 1.01,-0.29 0.66,-0.54 0.64,0.15 0.63,0.84 0.19,0.73 -0.25,0.63 -0.52,0.45 -0.78,0.27 -0.49,0.4 -0.21,0.54 -0.12,0.79 -0.03,1.05 0.2,1.89 -0.15,0.26 -0.29,0.14 -0.44,0.03 -0.39,0.44 -0.92,2.5 -0.32,0.27 -0.39,-0.27 -0.34,0.03 -0.3,0.33 -0.65,0.25 -1.01,0.17 -0.86,-0.06 -1.52,-0.54 -0.62,-0.38 -0.48,-0.63 -1.37,0.66 -0.36,-0.29 -0.85,-1.73 -0.18,0.1 -0.16,1.87 -0.26,0.65 -0.84,1.35 -0.46,2.32 -0.14,0.07 -0.16,-0.33 -0.52,-2.07 -0.27,-0.46 -0.76,1.19 -0.08,0.43 0.2,1.54 -0.18,0.23 -1.54,-0.83 -0.38,-0.04 -0.1,0.14 0.53,1.19 -0.06,0.43 -2.18,2.3 -0.57,-0.08 -0.36,-0.23 -0.39,0.04 -1.39,0.85 -0.38,-0.04 -0.52,-0.51 -0.24,0.02 -0.13,0.53 -0.02,1.03 -0.51,0.97 -1.65,1.57 -0.44,0.72 -0.33,0.99 -0.25,0.09 -0.97,-0.63 -1.12,-0.41 -0.16,0.2 0.34,0.6 -0.07,0.37 -0.49,0.14 -0.61,-0.05 -0.74,-0.24 -1.04,0.28 -1.34,0.79 -1.12,-0.02 -1.56,-1.31 -0.43,-0.1 -0.14,-0.37 0.3,-1.06 0.44,-0.8 0.33,-0.37 1.48,-1.03 1.69,-0.38 1.06,-0.62 1.29,-1.28 0.68,-0.97 1.35,-2.5 -0.1,-0.19 -0.3,-0.14 -2.96,2.37 -0.44,0.22 -0.59,-0.02 -2.37,-0.91 -0.5,-0.39 -0.34,-1.14 0.66,-2.6 0.46,-1.26 1.15,-1.95 1.51,-2.09 0.52,-1.36 0.78,-3.65 -0.05,-1.66 -0.35,-2.04 -0.01,-1.21 0.33,-0.38 3.46,-1.89 1.64,-1.42 3.18,-2.11 0.87,0.02 0.64,0.73 0.74,0.58 0.84,0.43 1.09,-0.04 1.33,-0.53 2.11,0.2 4.33,1.38 0.92,0.08 0.04,-0.18 -0.67,-0.97 -2.98,-0.56 -1.26,-0.56 -3.53,-2.48 -0.81,-0.96 0.33,-0.45 0.86,-0.37 0.3,-0.36 0.13,-0.63 0.5,-0.86 0.87,-1.09 1.33,-1.06 2.51,-1.58 -0.98,-0.07 -1.81,0.29 -0.66,0.3 -1.21,1.13 -0.47,0.79 -0.67,1.54 -0.29,0.29 -1.25,0.22 -3.42,0.15 -0.58,-0.79 -0.32,-0.13 -0.42,0.11 -3.14,2.01 -1.13,1.02 -0.8,1.17 -1.24,0.85 -1.68,0.54 -1.26,0.67 -1.32,1.33 -0.45,1.02 -0.03,0.48 0.32,1.51 -0.33,0.28 -0.76,0.12 -1.22,1 -2.58,2.95 -0.34,1.07 0.01,0.37 0.42,0.83 -0.29,0.54 -0.73,0.85 -1.62,1.35 -1.06,0.51 -0.69,0.03 -0.66,-0.19 -1.18,-0.87 -0.96,-0.05 -0.06,0.12 1.3,0.93 1.32,1.19 0.82,0.99 0.33,0.78 0.01,0.8 -0.3,0.83 -0.94,1.43 -0.92,0.43 -2.35,0.43 -0.76,0.34 -0.23,0.26 1.61,0.6 0.15,0.31 -0.22,1.19 -0.43,0.39 -1.34,0.71 -1.2,0.21 -0.18,-0.14 0.22,-0.94 -0.06,-0.23 -0.45,-0.19 -0.64,0.36 -1.6,1.38 -0.17,0.23 0.58,0.37 -0.12,0.31 -0.87,0.99 -0.36,0.66 -0.58,0.67 -2.58,2.04 0.2,0.5 -0.67,1.77 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1.22,0.16 0.15,1.32 0.76,0.33 3.8,-0.1 -0.29,0.62 -0.19,0.75 -1.18,1.67 6.78,0.94 0.91,-0.92 1.4,-0.37 2.98,-1.27 1.12,0.56 1.32,1.3 1.22,0.27 1.14,-0.26 2.66,-1.86 3.07,-0.09 1.26,0.61 1.33,-0.26 4,2.13 1.47,0.25 1.97,2.75 1.02,0.08 1.15,-1.17 1,0.04 0.98,1.12 1.6,0.34 0.74,1.76 0.8,0.64 6.05,1.3 2.99,-0.59 4.36,0.15 2.1,0.83 2.21,-0.11 3.61,3.02 1.91,0.47 0.37,0.69 5.44,0.73 1.9,-1.57 3.32,-0.42 2.99,-1.32 1.69,0.01 1.97,0.33 0.76,-0.16 0.55,-0.58 4.81,2.27 2.69,2.59 1.18,1.91 5.63,2.71 1.63,1.51 1.12,1.66 0.65,0.18 0.46,-0.48 1.97,0.14 0.72,0.22 z m -236.35,85.889996 -0.36,0.13 0.02,-0.36 1.07,-0.95 1.98,-1.18 -0.07,0.26 -1.06,0.91 -1.58,1.19 z m -50.389997,57.47 0.14,0.52 0.98,-0.08 1.38,0.22 1.53,0.5 1.51,-0.18 1.9,-1.58 1.14,-0.42 1.14,-0.22 1.23,0.39 1.21,0.84 0.47,0.5 0.37,0.86 0.25,1.04 0.37,0.75 2.26,0.92 1.44,0.37 0.35,0.5 0.31,0.69 1.19,0.53 1.25,-0.19 0.7,0.19 2.12,0.03 2.64,0.77 -0.43,2.02 -0.86,0.89 -2.42,-0.29 -2.41,0.29 -1,1.04 -0.83,1.31 -0.11,1.27 -0.49,0.58 -0.5,0.26 -0.41,-0.7 -0.55,-2.15 -0.38,-0.59 -0.42,-0.38 -1.18,-0.68 -1.19,-0.43 -0.7,-0.05 -0.5,-0.75 -0.28,-1.09 -0.48,-0.56 -0.95,-0.8 -0.97,-0.63 -3.02,-1.37 -0.99,-0.18 -1.01,0.15 -1.08,0.62 -1.05,0.92 -1.07,0.69 -1.11,0.15 -1.06,-0.4 -1,-0.9 -0.5,-0.64 -0.27,-1.11 0.01,-1.11 0.14,-1.07 0.54,-2.6 0.94,-0.51 1.71,1.85 z m 221.519997,56.82 -1.19,0.16 -0.55,-0.24 -0.08,-0.27 0.23,-0.97 -0.02,-0.41 0.6,-0.15 0.69,0.46 0.2,0.48 0.12,0.94 z m -233.559997,7.07 2.03,1.25 1.3,-0.13 1.04,1.04 0.43,0.85 -1.55,-0.61 -2.25,0.04 -3.04,-2.55 -1.09,-0.58 0.25,-1.43 1.17,-0.74 0.6,1.93 1.11,0.93 z m 195.059997,1.82 -0.45,0.07 0.61,-0.94 0.42,-1.84 0.57,0.26 0.11,0.34 -0.94,1.88 -0.32,0.23 z m 41.06,-1.69 0,0.5 -0.3,0.48 0.28,0.88 -0.49,1.51 -0.19,0.96 -0.26,0.6 -0.26,0.23 -0.26,-0.14 -0.05,-0.33 0.15,-0.53 -0.62,0.02 -0.19,-1.32 0.34,-0.42 0.12,-0.57 0.04,-0.38 0.41,-1.69 0.15,-0.12 0.05,0.4 0.13,0.12 0.22,-0.16 0.32,-0.75 0.14,-0.09 0.27,0.8 z m 11.91,0.02 0.21,0.52 1.81,-0.13 0.52,0.09 0.21,0.24 -0.25,0.35 -0.7,0.47 -2.04,0.82 -1.66,1.07 -0.22,-0.1 -0.3,-1.18 -0.31,-0.48 -0.19,-0.66 0,-0.25 0.3,-0.46 0.61,-0.67 0.43,-0.24 1.58,0.61 z m 12,2.14 -0.3,0.46 -0.82,-0.17 -0.44,-0.29 1.47,-1.22 0.24,0.24 -0.15,0.98 z m -197.84,-0.88 0.86,0.94 0.46,0.05 1.45,-0.29 0.53,0.2 0.52,0.41 0.32,0.62 0.06,1.09 -0.24,0.97 0.07,1.36 -0.05,0.59 0.77,0.77 0.24,1.04 0.12,1.12 -1.67,0.37 -1.67,0.06 -1.44,0.76 -0.3,0.56 0.23,0.83 -0.4,0.21 -0.37,-0.18 -0.7,-0.77 -0.77,-0.37 -2.68,-0.57 -3.36,-2.24 -1.45,-0.46 -1.47,-1.64 -1.33,-2.09 0.87,-0.34 0.87,-0.17 3.91,0.31 0.49,-1.5 0.5,-0.38 1.24,-0.43 1.16,-0.84 0.52,0.02 0.53,0.32 1.1,-0.5 0.58,-0.11 0.5,0.28 z m 173.2,10.75 -1.04,0.27 -0.25,-0.55 0.55,-1.38 0.44,-0.78 0.32,-0.19 1.2,-1.56 1.33,-1.14 1.22,-1.67 1.24,-2.38 0.23,-0.89 0.57,-0.09 0.94,0.59 0.58,0.82 -0.27,0.65 -3.12,3.38 -0.26,0.44 -0.28,1.14 -0.26,0.4 -0.41,0.18 -0.3,0.5 -0.19,0.82 -0.39,0.42 -0.58,0.04 -0.4,0.22 -0.22,0.41 -0.65,0.35 z m -2.69,-4.73 -0.49,0.58 -1.86,-0.35 0.39,-1.14 1.42,-0.72 1.56,1.12 -1.02,0.51 z m 32.54,4.63 -0.45,0.11 0.68,-1.23 0.91,-1.36 0.86,-0.85 1.11,-0.36 -0.12,0.62 -1.46,1.15 -1.53,1.92 z m -153.95,22.78 -0.69,0.29 -0.73,-0.15 -0.58,-1.79 0.44,-0.06 0.93,-1.18 2.05,-0.96 0.5,-0.11 -1.92,3.96 z m 79.39,1.66 -0.28,0.12 -0.69,-0.55 -0.45,-0.58 0.3,-0.44 1.33,-0.94 0.64,-0.02 0.26,0.15 0.1,0.29 -0.05,0.44 -0.29,0.54 -0.87,0.99 z m 0.65,2.24 0.34,0.15 0.36,-1.07 0.25,-0.03 1.11,0.9 0.68,-0.2 0.44,1.11 0.39,0.1 0.37,-0.13 0.22,0.08 -0.08,1.17 -0.81,1.18 -0.38,0.3 -0.53,-0.3 -0.2,-0.11 -0.35,-0.52 -0.26,-0.66 -0.16,-0.01 -0.62,0.78 0.02,0.38 0.26,0.58 -0.04,0.36 -0.68,0.17 -0.66,-0.09 -0.81,0.5 -0.19,-0.31 -0.12,-0.88 -0.25,0.1 -0.38,1.08 -0.42,0.68 -0.76,0.57 -0.17,0.27 -0.56,0.04 -0.83,0.36 -0.51,-0.06 -3.04,-1.17 -0.71,-0.43 2.5,-2.7 1.31,-1.04 0.76,0.06 0.76,0.33 0.4,-0.05 0.03,-1.2 -0.71,-0.9 0.03,-0.37 1.57,-0.61 0.59,0.09 0.65,0.31 0.61,0.51 0.58,0.68 z m 166.96,3.55 2.39,0.41 1.75,-0.09 1.6,2.65 0.99,2.14 0.58,1.49 0.33,1.44 0.44,1.38 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-0.43,-0.37 -0.09,-0.5 0.02,-0.74 0.22,-0.65 1.09,-1.65 -0.11,-0.3 -0.53,-0.07 -0.7,-0.57 -0.32,-1.85 -0.75,-1.06 -0.44,0.1 -1.01,2.99 -0.5,0.65 -1.42,0.42 0.29,-0.83 0.13,-0.74 -0.5,-2.25 -0.02,-0.87 0.34,-0.64 1,-0.27 0.53,-0.38 0.41,-0.62 0.1,-0.6 0.78,-1.6 0.36,-0.31 0.96,0.02 2.03,1.77 0.62,0.26 0.92,1.11 z m -331.269997,2.91 -0.97,0.82 -0.88,-0.3 -0.26,-0.59 -0.02,-0.26 2.55,-0.67 -0.42,1 z m 161.469997,1.02 -1.2,0.56 -0.21,-0.02 -0.74,1.13 -0.56,0.49 -0.75,-0.89 0.19,-1.38 0.65,-0.92 3.29,0.31 0.25,0.26 0.01,0.22 -0.24,0.18 -0.69,0.06 z m 184.89,2.1 0.63,0.54 0.34,-0.57 0.64,0.03 1.18,0.5 0.7,0.76 0.4,0.86 0.03,0.51 -0.12,1.17 0.09,1.19 -0.05,0.62 -0.16,0.51 -0.27,0.4 -0.29,0.05 -0.92,-1.07 -1.05,-1.93 -0.8,-0.59 -0.03,0.2 0.22,0.55 0.65,1.04 0.12,0.62 0.46,0.76 0.21,0.58 0.12,0.75 0,0.66 -0.13,0.56 -0.21,0.36 -0.3,0.16 -1.6,-0.16 -0.96,0.38 -1.12,-0.21 -0.27,-0.34 -0.17,-0.56 -0.08,-1.35 -0.28,-1.94 0.07,-1.5 -0.72,-1.36 -0.62,-0.82 -0.89,-0.74 -0.58,-0.73 0.16,-0.58 0.91,-0.44 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0.14,-0.83 -0.42,-0.46 -1.43,-0.17 -0.54,-0.2 -0.3,-0.87 -0.07,-1.15 0.22,-0.43 0.72,-0.3 0.56,-1.4 0.31,-0.19 1.19,-2.78 0.6,0.19 1.04,1.69 1.31,2.43 -0.44,2.29 z m -6.29,-2.33 -0.48,0.05 -0.57,-0.26 -1.35,-1.38 -0.02,-0.41 0.19,-0.46 0.77,-0.85 0.31,-0.2 1.84,0.09 0.59,0.23 0.13,0.4 -0.03,0.4 -0.19,0.41 -0.04,0.42 0.1,0.44 -0.21,0.44 -1.04,0.68 z m -7.4,-1.55 1.78,0.36 1.63,-0.04 0.56,0.7 0.37,0.74 0.21,0.69 0.06,0.65 -0.04,0.46 -0.2,0.49 0.04,0.16 3.19,1.6 1.51,1.68 0.6,0.88 0.35,0.74 0.63,1.85 1.33,2.14 0.7,0.65 0.4,0.63 -0.22,0.02 -0.94,-0.47 -2.03,-1.44 -0.17,0.06 -0.18,0.78 -0.31,0.68 -0.47,0.49 0.37,0.15 1.64,-0.31 1.37,1.4 0.53,0.25 0.52,1 0.02,0.38 -0.3,0.74 -0.23,0.3 0.08,0.2 0.38,0.11 1.51,-0.21 0.27,0.36 -0.23,2.87 0.21,1.05 0,0.48 -0.18,0.63 -0.01,0.54 0.14,0.55 0.02,0.49 -0.38,1.28 -0.41,0.21 -0.65,0.01 -0.52,-0.36 -0.73,-1.1 -0.71,-1.71 -0.27,-0.24 -0.93,-0.26 -0.17,-0.2 -0.59,-0.04 -0.42,-0.71 0.05,-0.93 -0.36,-0.95 0.05,-0.43 -0.41,-0.18 -0.34,0.27 0.18,0.93 -0.2,0.72 -0.74,-0.3 -1.23,-2.3 -1.39,-1.85 -0.55,-0.44 0.15,-0.54 0.69,-0.29 0.56,0.02 0.11,-0.32 -1.16,-1.8 0.04,-0.51 0.42,-0.91 -0.51,-0.36 -1.45,0.29 -0.51,-0.19 -0.42,-0.73 -0.25,-0.64 -1.26,-0.12 -0.48,0.08 -0.82,-0.96 -0.37,-0.61 0.15,-0.31 0.76,-0.55 0.44,0.08 0.85,0.58 0.33,-0.02 0.84,-0.77 0.13,-0.7 0.63,-0.58 -0.1,-0.61 -0.35,-1.04 -0.77,-0.29 -1.58,0.62 -1.37,0.95 -0.55,-0.37 -0.12,-0.58 1.47,-1.58 0.64,-0.88 -0.12,-0.52 -0.47,-0.67 -0.04,-1.69 0.3,-0.38 z m 24.35,14.24 -0.33,1.82 -0.65,1.86 -0.99,1 -0.7,-0.22 -0.51,-0.8 -0.48,0.04 -0.51,-0.17 -0.28,-0.67 0.27,-0.86 -0.24,-0.67 -0.25,0.58 -0.45,0.54 -1.12,0.7 -0.78,1.33 -0.37,0.86 -0.46,-0.94 -0.29,-2.24 -0.04,-0.95 0.82,-1.44 1.05,-1.37 0.21,-4.1 3.35,-2.07 0.31,0.11 1.09,1.55 1.16,2.16 0.3,0.97 0.01,1.69 -0.12,1.29 z m -231.45,-5.52 -0.37,0.53 -0.71,-0.04 -0.4,-0.17 -0.13,-0.46 1.1,-1.39 0.25,-0.19 0.2,0.05 0.09,0.58 -0.03,1.09 z m 209.56,4.62 0.21,0.47 0.01,0.29 -1.36,1.1 -0.02,0.23 -0.32,0.68 -0.29,0.25 -0.51,0.73 -0.97,0.79 0.14,-2.38 -0.96,-1.38 0.97,-0.7 0.64,0.2 1.05,0.08 1.03,-0.61 0.38,0.25 z m -257.74,3.79 0.14,0.01 0.29,-0.13 0.61,-0.93 0.2,-0.04 0,0.29 -0.29,0.92 0.49,1.23 0.46,0.59 -0.05,0.21 -1.14,0.43 -0.87,-0.31 -0.46,0.11 -0.42,0.43 -0.29,-0.47 -0.2,-2.26 0.06,-0.4 0.48,-0.79 0.61,-0.36 0.27,0.1 0.22,0.31 0.05,0.33 -0.16,0.73 z m 3.35,-0.38 -0.13,1.3 -1.29,-0.83 -0.35,-0.41 0.23,-0.31 1.23,-0.08 0.31,0.33 z m 258.56,7.28 0.23,0.22 0.23,-0.16 0.38,-0.58 0.67,0.11 0.49,0.2 0.3,0.24 -0.16,0.85 -0.12,1.37 -0.28,0.49 -0.27,0.68 -0.96,-0.41 -0.77,-0.87 -1.12,-1.5 -0.63,-1.09 -0.05,-0.46 -0.4,-0.33 -0.77,-1.88 -0.44,-1.49 -0.69,-0.17 -0.88,-0.41 -0.34,-0.82 0.23,-0.72 1.25,-0.36 1.88,1.85 0.29,0.78 0.67,0.91 0.13,1.27 0.34,0.5 0.79,1.78 z m -254.27,-3.84 -0.57,0.36 -0.18,0.46 -0.44,0.19 -0.37,0.37 -1.23,1.68 -0.54,0.31 0.6,-1.44 0.09,-0.46 0.01,-0.3 -0.19,-1.09 0.36,0.05 0.3,-0.23 0.6,-0.96 0.54,-0.09 0.58,-1.15 0.31,-0.09 0.15,0.16 -0.26,0.7 0.55,0.64 -0.14,0.62 -0.17,0.27 z m 268.6,0.81 0.96,2.13 0.05,0.75 -0.92,0.26 -0.72,-0.11 -0.37,-0.25 -0.1,-0.35 0.23,-1.08 -0.47,-0.64 -0.55,-0.22 -0.49,0.37 -0.03,-1.07 0.37,-0.77 -0.21,-1.04 -0.01,-0.79 0.12,-0.25 0.5,0.02 1.02,0.81 0.62,2.23 z m -265.23,-1.19 -0.05,1.31 -0.14,0.21 -0.25,-0.35 -0.53,0.39 -0.29,-0.28 0.12,-0.46 -0.04,-0.36 0.39,-0.03 0.09,-0.65 -0.07,-0.27 0.19,-0.59 0.28,-0.14 0.3,1.22 z m 1.44,2.95 -0.31,0.08 -0.25,-0.18 -0.35,-0.93 -0.03,-0.39 0.67,0.29 0.26,0.68 0.01,0.45 z m -38.73,-0.14 0.91,2.7 0.4,0.53 0.59,0.29 0.82,0.29 0.49,0.4 0.43,0.6 0.06,0.28 -2.59,-1.08 -1.63,1.58 -0.49,0.21 -4.62,0.08 -0.92,0.29 -0.6,0.51 -1.06,1.44 -0.53,0.56 -0.56,0.33 -1.2,0.37 -1.44,-0.05 -0.75,-0.19 -0.4,-0.68 -0.36,-1.35 0,-0.38 0.15,-0.65 1.28,-0.89 0.43,-0.47 1.66,-3.08 0.48,-0.42 0.51,-0.1 1.42,0.21 1.21,-0.9 2.61,-1.38 0.57,-0.16 1.88,-0.03 0.51,0.21 0.4,0.39 0.34,0.54 z m 11.09,2.18 -0.22,0.08 -0.65,-0.5 -0.24,-0.37 -0.17,-0.58 1.32,-0.84 0.27,-0.01 0.25,0.47 0.04,0.37 -0.37,1.06 -0.23,0.32 z m -2.41,7.23 -0.82,0.35 -0.87,-0.37 -0.74,-0.68 -0.08,-0.81 1.65,0.53 0.35,0.25 0.51,0.73 z m -28.31,4.26 -0.41,0.12 -0.1,-0.17 -0.05,-0.71 -0.32,-1.12 0.6,-0.41 0.37,-0.09 0.16,0.17 0.43,0.84 0.43,0.22 0.32,0.18 -0.56,0.26 -0.87,0.71 z m -2.63,1.06 -0.36,0.28 -0.29,0.06 -0.22,-0.16 -0.97,0.19 -0.19,-0.11 -0.43,-0.95 -0.03,-0.49 0.17,-0.39 0.44,-0.35 0.71,-0.32 0.69,0.06 1.21,0.88 0.57,0.52 0.11,0.32 -0.42,0.3 -0.99,0.16 z m -7.29,2.71 0.41,0.76 0.7,-0.48 0.52,-0.66 0.4,-0.85 0.26,-0.33 0.35,0.45 0.99,0.61 -0.83,0.94 -1.6,1.4 -0.54,0.94 -0.03,0.4 1.55,-0.31 0.43,0.05 0.28,0.32 -0.42,0.38 -0.84,0.34 -0.73,0.67 -1.7,1.15 -0.64,0.96 -0.76,0.37 -1.03,0.09 -1.82,0.62 -1.1,0.59 -0.28,0.32 -0.35,0.15 -0.41,-0.02 -0.45,0.26 -0.48,0.53 -0.4,0.25 -0.66,0.06 -0.339997,0.21 -0.38,-0.01 -1.05,-0.63 -0.26,-0.37 0.93,-0.74 0.67,-0.25 1.019997,-0.11 1,-0.69 2.07,-0.91 0.64,-0.5 0.41,-1.73 0.47,-0.3 0.25,-0.69 1.14,0.02 0.53,0.78 0.18,0.11 0.09,-0.08 0.05,-0.62 0.59,-0.44 -0.34,-0.32 -1.06,-0.4 -0.78,-0.19 -0.51,0.02 -0.42,-0.23 -0.32,-0.48 -0.15,-0.47 0.03,-0.47 0.26,-0.53 0.49,-0.58 0.56,-0.33 1.22,-0.24 1.08,-0.39 0.57,-0.06 0.43,0.16 0.11,1.5 z m 3.82,2.83 -0.13,0.05 -0.24,-0.39 -0.01,-0.36 0.15,-0.26 0.44,-0.61 0.31,-0.22 0.38,-0.11 0.1,0.16 -0.34,0.72 -0.42,0.48 -0.24,0.54 z m -16.519997,5.97 -2.88,1.68 -0.94,1.23 -0.71,1.18 -0.56,0.64 -0.41,0.11 -0.46,0.31 -0.95,0.82 -0.4,0.1 -3.06,1.91 -0.22,0.03 0.15,-0.5 0.93,-0.71 0.61,-0.65 0.69,-1.07 0.38,-0.39 0.12,-0.54 0.05,-1.09 0.17,-0.41 0.66,-0.82 0.48,-0.45 0.63,-0.15 1.28,0.14 0.53,-0.42 0.16,-0.32 -0.32,-0.29 -0.08,-0.5 0.08,-0.87 0.37,-0.77 0.65,-0.67 0.89,-0.52 1.13,-0.37 0.82,-0.02 1.48,0.79 0.22,0.36 -0.36,0.79 -0.21,0.74 -0.92,0.7 z m -16.26,7.79 -0.15,0.63 -0.14,0.23 -1.45,-0.33 -0.97,0.12 -0.11,-0.37 0.09,-0.33 1.52,-0.5 0.62,0 0.41,0.26 0.18,0.29 z m -9.8,4.12 -0.6,0.49 -0.18,-0.18 -0.1,-0.61 0.34,-0.47 1.03,-1.03 0.7,0.19 0.22,0.27 -0.02,0.39 -0.26,0.51 -0.33,0.25 -0.4,0 -0.4,0.19 z m -37.13,8.39 -5.05,0.63 -0.77,-0.43 0.77,-0.25 0.91,-0.14 1.9,-0.72 2.34,-0.62 1.82,-0.75 1.58,-0.49 0.45,-0.81 -1.39,-0.41 -0.27,-0.33 0.66,-0.38 0.55,-0.55 1.3,-0.65 1.16,0.81 0.26,0.54 -0.11,0.65 -0.23,0.67 -1.02,0.35 -0.15,0.35 0.55,1 -2.1,0.88 -3.16,0.65 z m 20.83,-3.63 -0.7,0.23 -0.76,-0.24 0.35,-0.81 0.36,-0.43 0.69,-0.53 0.82,0.23 0.65,0.67 -1.41,0.88 z m -10.25,2.08 1.85,0.62 2.3,-0.07 0.84,0.15 0.01,0.17 -1.47,0.25 -0.5,-0.08 -1.28,0.34 -0.87,0.06 -1.99,-0.32 -1.54,0.22 -0.41,-0.08 -0.48,-0.28 -0.56,-0.48 -0.03,-0.3 0.5,-0.12 1.36,0.41 0.14,-0.21 1.15,-0.39 0.98,0.11 z m -23.23,2.05 -0.22,0.45 -0.92,-0.48 -0.33,-0.39 -0.07,-0.4 0.27,-0.66 0.74,-0.01 0.43,0.27 0.41,0.5 0.12,0.31 -0.43,0.41 z m -5.39,2.06 0.05,0.51 1.08,-0.06 0.34,0.26 0,1 -0.14,0.28 -0.16,0.07 -0.39,-0.22 -0.44,0.51 -2.01,1.24 -0.62,-0.69 -1.17,1.09 0.82,-2.83 0.95,-0.43 0.35,-0.32 -0.08,-0.83 0.44,-1.39 0.96,0.06 0.44,0.58 -0.02,0.37 -0.4,0.8 z m -5.22,2.28 -0.2700003,0.2 -0.5,0.15 -1.44,-0.17 -0.87,0.05 -0.97,0.11 -0.73,0.27 -0.14,-0.37 0.02,-0.3 3.13,-0.83 0.73,-0.44 0.45,-0.55 0.41,-1.04 0.3300003,-0.31 0.2,0.02 0.44,0.41 -0.16,0.54 -0.38,0.45 -0.13,0.44 -0.12,1.37 z m -6.8800003,1.02 -0.21,0.5 -0.23,-0.01 -1.26,-0.84 -0.18,-0.28 0.74,-0.4 0.21,-0.31 -0.09,-0.4 -0.55,-0.56 -1.01999997,-0.72 -0.38,-0.51 0.25,-0.32 0.48999997,-0.2 1.53,-0.04 0.83,0.88 0.62,0.31 1.46,0.21 -0.76,0.37 -0.43,0.36 -0.53,1.39 -0.49,0.57 z m 17.6000003,-2.47 -0.79,0.33 -1.05,-0.67 0.1,-0.78 1.15,0.65 0.59,0.47 z m -2.61,0.31 -0.59,0.89 -0.44,-0.4 -0.17,-1.23 0.33,-0.31 0.93,0.88 -0.06,0.17 z"
                d="m 871.73444,622.94606 0.25,1.46 0.25,1.46 0.25,1.46 0.25,1.45 0.25,1.45 0.25,1.45 0.25,1.45 0.25,1.45 0.25,1.44 0.25,1.44 0.25,1.44 0.25,1.44 0.25,1.43 0.25,1.43 0.25,1.43 0.25,1.43 0.23,0.65 0.19,1.05 1.33,3.09 0.39,1.3 -0.11,0.54 0.17,0.46 0.44,0.38 -0.08,0.44 -0.6,0.5 -0.39,0.6 -0.28,1.07 0,0 -0.56,1.88 -0.01,1.14 0.54,1.56 0,0 0.11,0.69 -0.36,3.04 0.24,1.95 0.57,1.27 -3.04,0.01 -3.04,0 -3.04,0 -3.04,0 -3.04,0 -3.04,0 -3.04,0 -3.04,0 -0.13,0.78 0.06,0.75 0.33,0.71 1.36,1.35 0.13,0.33 -0.24,1.04 0.04,0.74 -0.15,0.38 -0.33,0.34 -0.09,0.37 -0.22,0.1 -1.03,1.12 -3.61,0.37 0.2,-0.25 0.76,-0.05 1.07,-0.36 -0.22,-0.6 -0.41,-0.66 -0.38,-0.07 -0.25,-0.39 0.01,-1.22 -0.24,-0.71 -0.59,-0.73 -0.2,0.14 -0.43,1.25 -0.36,1.64 -0.18,0.53 -1.07,0.04 -0.95,-0.11 -0.47,0.03 -0.12,-2.24 -0.1,-2.04 -0.1,-2.05 -0.1,-2.05 -0.1,-2.06 -0.1,-2.06 -0.1,-2.07 -0.1,-2.07 0.23,-2.04 0.23,-2.04 0.23,-2.05 0.23,-2.05 0.23,-2.06 0.23,-2.06 0.23,-2.07 0.23,-2.07 0.23,-2.07 0.23,-2.08 0.23,-2.08 0.23,-2.09 0.23,-2.09 0.23,-2.1 0.23,-2.1 0.23,-2.11 0.06,-0.54 0.01,-0.18 0.03,-0.27 -0.83,-0.75 -0.16,-0.15 -0.12,-0.14 0.12,-0.01 1.51,0.02 1.51,0.02 1.51,0.02 1.51,0.02 1.51,0.02 1.51,0.02 1.51,0.02 1.51,0.02 1.51,0.02 1.51,0.02 1.51,0.02 1.51,0.02 1.51,0.02 1.51,0.02 1.51,0.02 1.47,-0.05 z m -23.04,52.85 -0.83,0.23 -1.23,-0.02 -0.25,-0.08 0.49,-0.16 1.46,-0.21 0.36,0.24 z"
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                d="m 651.24444,599.76606 0,4.16 -0.01,4.13 0,4.11 0,4.09 0,4.08 0,4.06 0,4.04 0,4.02 0,4.01 0,3.99 0,3.97 0,3.96 0,3.94 0,3.93 0,3.91 0,3.9 -2.14,0 -3.33,0.01 -3.33,0.01 -3.32,0.01 -3.33,0 -3.33,0.01 -4.46,-1.62 -4.47,-1.63 -4.46,-1.63 -4.46,-1.63 -4.47,-1.64 -4.46,-1.64 -4.47,-1.64 -4.46,-1.64 0.45,-0.63 0.59,-1.67 0.04,-0.1 0,0 1.31,-0.12 0.62,-0.42 0.36,-0.77 0.08,-0.79 -0.2,-0.79 -0.57,-0.6 -0.91,-0.39 -0.53,-1.09 -0.14,-1.81 0.16,-0.98 0.48,-0.14 0.46,-0.44 0.43,-0.74 0.33,-0.81 0.21,-0.88 0.04,-1.11 -0.13,-1.35 0.85,-1.66 0.84,-1.03 1.56,-1.26 0.36,-0.38 0,-0.31 0,-0.03 -0.32,-0.44 -1.4,-0.88 -0.6,-0.63 -0.05,-0.58 -0.02,-0.01 -0.18,-0.56 -1.5,-2.34 -0.5,-1.28 0,-0.96 0,-0.08 0.18,-4.07 -0.54,-1.41 -0.13,-0.8 0.16,-0.98 -0.04,-0.62 -0.26,-0.53 -0.06,-0.97 -0.03,-1.2 -0.43,-0.77 -0.08,-0.34 0.24,-0.83 0.44,-0.43 0.72,-0.3 0.82,-0.1 0.93,0.09 0.71,0.38 0.47,0.65 0.46,0.33 0.46,0.01 0.6,-0.53 0.54,-1.15 0.18,-0.07 0.02,-5.02 0.01,-4.58 2.94,0 2.93,0 2.94,0 2.94,0.01 2.94,0 2.94,0 2.93,0 2.94,0.01 2.94,0 2.94,0 2.94,0 2.93,0 2.94,0.01 2.94,0 2.94,0 z"
                d="m 548.12444,538.97606 0,2.36 0,2.36 0,2.35 0,2.34 0,2.34 0,2.33 0,2.32 0,2.32 0,2.31 0,2.3 0,2.3 0,2.29 0,2.28 0,2.28 0,2.27 0,2.27 2.21,1.97 2.21,1.97 2.2,1.96 2.21,1.96 2.2,1.95 2.21,1.95 2.21,1.94 2.2,1.94 1.73,1.63 1.73,1.63 1.73,1.63 1.73,1.62 1.73,1.62 1.73,1.62 1.73,1.61 1.73,1.61 2.39,2.31 2.39,2.3 2.39,2.3 2.39,2.29 2.39,2.29 2.39,2.28 2.39,2.28 2.56,2.42 0,0.96 0.5,1.29 1.5,2.33 0.18,0.56 0.02,0.01 0.06,0.58 0.59,0.63 1.4,0.88 0.32,0.43 0,0.04 -0.01,0.31 -0.36,0.38 -1.56,1.26 -0.84,1.03 -0.85,1.66 0.13,1.35 -0.04,1.11 -0.21,0.88 -0.32,0.81 -0.44,0.74 -0.46,0.44 -0.48,0.14 -0.17,0.98 0.14,1.8 0.53,1.1 0.92,0.39 0.56,0.59 0.21,0.8 -0.08,0.78 -0.37,0.77 -0.62,0.42 -1.31,0.11 0,0 -0.04,0.1 -1.08,0.12 -2.69,0.24 -2.69,0.24 -2.69,0.24 -2.69,0.24 -2.69,0.24 -2.69,0.24 -2.69,0.24 -2.69,0.24 -0.02,-0.07 -0.06,-1.22 -0.44,-0.43 -0.56,0.27 -0.26,-1.58 0.14,-0.75 -0.07,-0.73 -0.53,-1.8 -1.4,-2.19 -3.02,-2.73 -1.54,-0.91 -1.21,-1.16 -0.77,-0.32 -0.96,-0.09 -0.28,0.52 -1.09,-0.36 0.16,-1.29 -1.07,-1.8 -0.87,-0.2 -2.19,0.12 -2.93,-0.99 -0.87,-0.59 -0.3,-1.06 -1.38,-0.92 -1.81,-0.9 -1.01,0.21 -1.32,-0.14 -1.88,-0.65 -1.1,-0.08 -2.14,0.19 -0.8,-0.14 -0.74,-0.82 -0.8,-0.41 0.17,-1.01 -0.1,-0.92 0.12,-0.71 -0.36,-1.57 0.28,-1.46 -0.24,-0.53 -0.45,-0.4 -1.42,-0.6 -0.26,-0.75 0.23,-1.04 -0.37,-0.69 -1.16,-0.64 -1.08,-1.46 -1.37,-0.8 -0.56,-1.34 -0.85,-0.83 -0.29,-0.74 -1.88,-2.63 -2.01,-2.06 -0.31,-1.19 -0.08,-1.63 0.79,-0.99 0.42,-0.88 -0.04,-0.8 -0.12,-0.59 -0.69,-1.03 -2.67,-0.61 -2.17,-2.54 -0.13,-1.95 -0.85,-2 -0.01,-1.3 -0.13,-1.41 0.65,-0.31 0.58,0.11 -0.06,0.56 0.19,1.01 0.68,0.76 0.65,0.33 0.59,0.74 0.44,0.22 0.46,0.05 -0.25,-0.47 -0.26,-0.3 -0.32,-0.98 -0.6,-1.25 -0.69,-0.69 -0.35,-1.26 -0.3,-0.29 -0.19,-0.47 0.67,-0.56 0.92,-0.4 1.23,-0.11 3.48,0.18 0.74,-0.32 0.61,0.11 0.45,-0.04 -0.94,-0.33 -0.53,0.11 -0.63,-0.07 -1.24,0.07 -0.5,-0.14 -0.56,-0.4 -0.36,-0.04 -1.15,0.69 -0.51,-0.08 -1.21,-0.75 -0.53,-0.11 -0.85,0.43 -0.1,1.85 0.26,1.37 -0.51,0.14 -0.59,-0.57 -0.91,-0.34 -0.75,-0.51 -1.06,-0.96 -0.56,-0.35 -0.63,0.8 -0.02,-0.37 0.31,-0.92 -0.09,-1.55 0.95,1.24 -0.29,-0.87 -0.74,-0.96 -0.56,-0.33 -0.71,-1.72 -1.59,-1.04 -1.27,-1.68 -2.6,-2.79 -0.17,-2.46 -0.95,-3.12 0.4,-1.78 -0.05,-1.26 -0.47,-1.91 -0.49,-1.04 -2.11,-2.86 -2.03,-1.93 -0.31,-1.46 -0.14,-1.48 0.44,-1.32 0.38,-1.39 0.28,-0.37 0.11,0.15 -0.08,0.3 0.29,0.09 0.11,-0.61 0.17,-0.32 -0.3,-0.04 0.03,-0.19 0.18,-0.39 0.63,-1.83 -0.06,-2.31 0.67,-2.85 -0.03,-0.94 -0.43,-2.03 -0.43,-1.22 -0.77,-0.87 0.34,-1.27 -0.03,-1.21 -0.16,-0.2 2.57,0 2.48,0 2.48,0 2.48,0 2.48,0 2.48,0 2.48,0 2.48,0 2.48,0 2.48,0 2.48,0 2.48,0 2.48,0 2.48,0 2.48,0 2.47,0 z m 1.11,94.45 1.92,0.58 1.03,-0.28 0.19,0.28 -0.12,0.24 -2.33,0.44 -0.71,-0.31 -0.06,-0.42 -0.24,-0.4 0.32,-0.13 z m -3.99,0.62 -0.5,0.03 -0.77,-0.12 0.27,-0.26 0.43,-0.19 0.14,0.14 0.43,0.4 z m 2.48,1.19 -0.66,0.16 -0.5,-0.15 -0.8,-1.08 1.7,-0.14 0.73,0.47 0.1,0.13 -0.57,0.61 z m 15.96,6 0.48,0.83 -0.68,-0.1 -0.72,0.05 -0.22,-0.45 -0.21,-0.63 -0.14,-0.16 -0.49,-0.06 -0.04,-0.06 -0.06,-0.3 0.14,-0.15 1.54,0.7 0.4,0.33 z m -10.26,1.89 -0.42,0.02 -0.58,-0.1 -0.3,-0.6 0.47,-0.04 0.44,0.08 0.35,0.47 0.04,0.17 z m 10.23,4.36 -0.55,0.1 -0.61,-0.23 -0.52,-1.08 -0.58,-0.84 0.31,-0.24 0.47,0.81 1.17,1.23 0.31,0.25 z"
                d="m 717.34444,563.81606 0.01,2.3 0,2.28 0.01,2.28 0.01,2.28 0,2.26 0.01,2.26 0.01,2.26 0,2.25 0.01,2.24 0.01,2.24 0.01,2.23 0,2.23 0.01,2.22 0.01,2.21 0,2.21 0.01,2.2 -2.33,0 -2.32,0 -2.33,0 -2.32,0 -3.56,0 -3.56,0 -3.55,0 -3.56,0 -3.56,0 -3.55,0 -3.56,0 -3.56,0 -3.55,0 -3.56,0 -3.56,0 -3.56,0 -3.55,0 -3.56,0 -3.56,0 -3.55,0 0,-2.93 0,-2.95 0,-2.96 0,-2.97 0,-2.98 0,-2.99 0,-3 0,-3.01 0,-3.02 0,-3.03 0,-3.05 0,-3.05 0,-3.07 0,-3.08 0,-3.08 0,-3.1 2.95,0 2.96,0 2.96,0 2.95,0 2.96,0 2.96,0 2.95,0 2.96,0 2.96,0 2.95,0 2.96,0 2.95,0 2.96,0 2.96,0 2.95,0 2.96,0 2.35,0 2.35,0 2.35,0 2.35,0 2.35,0 2.35,0 2.34,0 2.35,0 0.01,1.55 0,1.55 0,1.54 0,1.54 0,1.54 0,1.54 0,1.53 z"
                d="m 1001.8544,538.82606 0.01,0.68 0,0.95 0.01,0.69 0.01,0.94 0,1.08 0.01,0.99 0.01,0.86 -0.03,0.51 -0.05,0.78 -0.24,0.3 -0.12,0.72 -0.82,-0.07 -1.35996,0.18 -1.8,0.43 -1,-0.25 -1.02,0.45 -3.46,0.13 -0.73,-0.24 -0.93,0.85 -1.49,0.51 -3.78,1.91 -0.44,0.38 -0.49,-0.78 -0.38,-0.62 0.76,-0.49 0.58,-0.37 0.55,-0.34 0.36,-0.23 -0.29,-0.48 -0.28,-0.48 0.07,-1.19 0.08,-1.18 0.07,-1.19 0.08,-1.19 0.07,-1.2 0.08,-1.19 0.07,-1.2 0.08,-1.2 0.79,0.04 0.79,0.03 0.79,0.03 0.8,0.04 0.79,0.03 0.79,0.04 0.79,0.03 0.79,0.03 0.01,0.33 0.41,-0.04 0.05,-0.29 1.13,0.02 1.12,0.02 1.13,0.02 1.12,0.02 1.13,0.01 1.12,0.02 1.12996,0.02 1.12,0.02 z"
                d="m 952.62444,577.31606 -0.21,-0.31 -0.46,-0.25 -0.19,-0.09 0.75,-0.82 0.5,0.71 0.55,0.78 -0.84,0.98 z"
                title="Washington, DC"
                d="m 967.77444,566.08606 -0.41,0.43 -0.35,0.77 -0.81,0.93 0.06,0.63 0.14,0.44 -0.07,0.93 0.51,0.9 1.01,1.47 0.19,2.28 0.77,1.52 1.18,1.78 0.91,0.5 0.04,0.66 -0.41,1.08 -0.56,0.5 0.72,-0.1 0.36,0.25 0.35,0.9 -0.02,0.57 -1.01,0.01 -2.08,0 -2.09,0 -0.95,0 -0.02,0 -0.02,0 -0.02,0 -0.02,0 -0.03,0 -0.02,0 -0.02,0 -0.02,0 -0.09,-1.9 -0.09,-1.9 -0.09,-1.91 -0.1,-1.91 -0.09,-1.92 -0.09,-1.92 -0.09,-1.92 -0.09,-1.93 0.71,-0.98 0.3,-0.3 0.4,-0.15 1.17,-0.05 z"
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                d="m 8.0644427,697.81606 -0.18,0.04 0.02,-0.13 0.17,-0.13 0.16,0.04 -0.07,0.11 -0.1,0.07 z m 169.4299973,64.83 -0.83,0.57 -0.48,-0.24 -0.91,-0.09 -0.35,-0.43 -0.96,-0.38 -0.39,-0.53 0.59,-0.99 1.39,-0.84 2.14,0.04 0.45,0.66 0.04,0.49 -0.28,0.55 -0.13,0.78 -0.28,0.41 z m -7.6,0.92 -0.19,0.45 -0.32,-0.07 -0.08,-0.4 0.21,-0.55 0.54,-0.47 0.6,-0.72 0.49,0.11 -0.26,0.47 -0.03,0.51 -0.69,0.29 -0.27,0.38 z m 22.41,3.87 0.32,0.06 0.42,-0.07 0.14,0.8 0.48,0.44 0.18,0.26 -0.52,0.28 -1.02,0.11 -0.48,-0.22 -0.49,-0.5 -0.53,0.14 -0.09,-0.4 -0.1,-0.12 -0.37,0.11 0.34,0.52 -0.92,0.04 -0.29,-0.06 -0.26,-0.59 -0.95,-1.13 0,-0.44 -0.32,-0.52 1.41,-0.15 0.97,-0.92 0.54,-0.1 1.04,1.49 -0.03,0.42 0.23,0.41 0.3,0.14 z m 5.51,2.42 1.99,0.28 0.47,-0.12 0.33,0.22 1.65,0.14 0.28,0.08 -0.34,0.52 -1.05,0.47 -1.52,-0.42 -2.54,-0.15 0.1,-0.4 0.24,-0.28 0.04,-0.49 0.35,0.15 z m 6.85,2.84 0.24,0.18 1,-0.27 0.72,-0.1 1.22,0.66 0.42,0.45 0.8,0.48 0.27,0.35 -0.22,0.42 -0.88,0.7 -1.2,0.16 -0.71,0.3 -0.93,-0.06 -0.28,-0.13 -0.1,-0.88 -0.29,-0.95 -0.6,0.11 -0.67,-0.32 -0.7,-0.8 -0.08,-0.48 0.39,-0.76 0.67,-0.1 0.5,0.42 0.43,0.62 z m -3.42,1.6 -0.56,0.28 -0.61,-0.13 -0.14,-0.68 -0.58,-0.87 1.02,-0.18 0.58,0.25 0.3,0.27 0.37,0.47 -0.38,0.59 z m 11.94,17.52 -0.42,0.48 -0.52,-0.04 -1.89,-1.02 -0.23,-0.55 0.14,-2.54 -0.71,-2.07 -0.78,-1.58 0.57,-0.81 0.75,-0.63 0.83,-1.19 -0.68,-1.53 0.17,-0.92 0.4,-0.16 1.97,1.12 3.98,1.68 1.06,1.18 0.19,1.27 0.72,0.16 0.34,0.87 1.05,0.76 0.35,0.43 -0.43,0.7 -1.91,1.34 -2.41,0.58 -2.12,1.5 -0.42,0.97 z"
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1.34,-0.03 1.77,0.19 1.64,-0.22 1.51,-0.63 1.34,-0.35 1.17,-0.08 0.44,0.18 -0.29,0.42 -0.15,0.73 -0.02,1.03 -0.1,0.65 -0.18,0.27 -0.02,0.26 0.13,0.25 1.13,0.16 0.59,0.33 0.68,0.01 0.77,-0.3 0.59,0.11 0.41,0.53 0.59,0.1 0.58,-0.38 0.41,-0.36 0.35,-0.16 0.24,0.05 z m 2.12,1.94 0,0.29 -0.29,-0.07 -0.24,-0.2 -0.19,-0.33 -0.24,-0.82 -0.37,-0.58 0.55,-0.66 0.33,-0.08 0.36,0.15 0.05,0.39 -0.26,0.62 0.01,0.64 0.29,0.65 z m 0.12,1.58 -0.13,0.08 -0.47,-0.53 -0.1,-0.33 0.07,-0.27 0.18,-0.01 0.3,0.25 0.17,0.29 0.04,0.33 -0.06,0.19 z m 5.81,3.15 0.09,0.3 -0.23,0.44 -0.66,0.23 -1.34,-0.02 -0.87,-0.17 -0.4,-0.32 -0.09,-0.16 0.04,-0.35 0.19,-0.02 0.29,0.19 0.43,-0.08 0.57,-0.36 0.3,-0.27 0.03,-0.18 -0.18,-0.34 0.15,-0.14 0.71,0.13 0.26,0.22 0.48,0.76 0.23,0.14 z m -9.92,2.6 1.21,0.19 0.12,-0.1 0.34,0.36 0.05,0.3 -0.14,0.25 -0.21,0.14 -0.27,0.02 -0.43,-0.26 -0.71,-0.68 0.04,-0.22 z m -1.93,0.38 0.67,0.25 1.21,0.83 1.14,0.48 1.08,0.14 0.79,0.29 0.5,0.45 0.36,0.5 0.22,0.55 0.52,0.31 0.81,0.07 0.64,0.23 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-0.12,0.26 -0.09,0.08 -3.13,0.12 -3.13,0.12 -3.13,0.12 -3.13,0.12 0,-0.73 -2.85,0 -2.85,0 -2.85,0 -2.85,0 -2.85,0 -2.85,0 -2.33,0 0.61,-0.35 1,-0.82 0.56,-0.73 0.54,-0.96 0.52,-1.19 1.06,-1.79 0.52,-1.08 0.5,-1.38 0.38,-1.44 0.25,-1.51 0.12,-1.57 -0.01,-1.63 -0.25,-1.64 -0.49,-1.66 -0.27,-0.85 -0.1,-0.23 -0.89,-2.13 -1.01,-2.98 0.01,-0.25 0.94,-1.78 0.02,-0.24 -0.1,-1.45 -0.2,-0.73 -0.48,-0.98 0.02,-0.25 0.98,-1.25 0.59,-0.95 0.53,-1.16 0.35,-1.35 0.16,-1.55 0,-1.03 -0.17,-0.52 0.02,-0.4 0.21,-0.28 1.05,-0.36 0.35,-0.61 0.08,-1.08 0.21,-0.54 0.35,0.01 0.33,-0.22 0.3,-0.45 0.4,-0.13 0.5,0.2 0.69,-0.67 0.89,-1.54 0.68,-0.86 0.48,-0.18 0.09,0.14 -0.3,0.46 -0.09,0.51 0.12,0.55 -0.1,0.53 -0.22,0.73 0.14,0.23 -0.38,1.17 -0.02,0.58 0.23,0.44 0.28,-0.15 0.32,-0.75 0.1,-0.4 -0.13,-0.05 0.05,-0.32 0.22,-0.59 0.2,-0.28 0.17,0.03 0.05,0.32 -0.08,0.61 -0.51,1.45 -0.1,0.44 0.11,0.12 0.61,-0.9 0.51,-1.44 0.39,-1.11 0.07,-0.6 -0.12,-1.56 0.02,-0.64 0.15,-0.44 0.53,-0.5 0.91,-0.56 0.9,-0.3 0.89,-0.04 0.62,-0.15 0.35,-0.27 -0.12,-0.21 -0.6,-0.16 -0.45,-0.35 -0.31,-0.54 -0.1,-0.62 0.1,-0.7 0.38,-0.69 0.66,-0.67 0.21,-0.5 -0.24,-0.32 0.28,-0.11 0.81,0.09 0.56,-0.09 0.32,-0.27 -0.04,0 z m -7.43,2.55 -0.32,0.07 -0.25,-0.16 0.04,-0.63 0.33,-1.1 0.32,-0.5 0.43,0.2 -0.09,0.13 0.09,1.17 -0.16,0.52 -0.39,0.3 z m -4,6.68 -0.11,0.19 -0.26,-0.02 -0.21,-0.18 -0.2,-0.58 0.07,-0.13 0.51,0.08 0.18,0.25 0.02,0.39 z"
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                d="m 698.64444,487.55606 0.01,3.13 0.02,3.11 0.01,3.11 0.02,3.09 0,0.04 -0.01,0.04 0,0.04 0,0.04 -0.07,0 -0.08,0 -0.07,0 -0.08,0 -2.06,0 -2.06,0 -2.07,0 -2.06,0 -2.06,0 -2.07,0 -2.06,0 -2.06,0 -2.07,0 -2.06,0 -2.06,0 -2.07,0 -2.06,0 -2.06,0 -2.07,0 -2.06,0 -2.06,0 -2.07,0 -2.06,0 -2.06,0 -2.07,0 -2.06,0 -2.06,0 -2.06,0 -2.07,0 -2.06,0 -2.06,0 -2.07,0 -2.06,0 -2.06,0 -2.07,0 -2.06,0 0,1.67 0,1.66 0,1.65 -0.01,1.66 -0.62,-0.35 -0.41,-0.4 -0.34,-0.46 -0.64,-1.28 -0.36,-0.47 -0.32,-0.28 -0.33,-0.02 -0.4,0.16 -0.31,0.3 -0.1,0.53 -0.3,0.62 0.02,0.52 0.13,0.26 -0.04,0.15 -0.2,0.11 -1.5,-0.19 -1.3,0.26 -0.89,-0.2 -1.71,0.1 -1.48,-0.18 -0.51,0.09 -0.33,0.28 -0.41,0.7 -0.11,0.13 -0.16,0.02 -2.41,-0.38 -0.64,-0.01 -0.67,0.46 -0.21,0.32 -0.05,0.43 -0.15,0.12 -0.21,-0.02 -0.54,-0.28 -0.56,-0.46 -0.28,-0.34 -0.06,-0.77 -0.45,-0.87 -0.08,-0.79 -0.29,-0.67 -0.44,-0.66 -0.44,-0.44 -0.44,-0.14 -0.82,0.09 -0.17,-0.07 -0.88,-0.88 -0.27,-0.38 -0.08,-0.35 0.3,-0.85 -0.09,-0.47 -0.22,-0.58 -0.31,-0.48 -0.51,-0.42 -0.46,-0.91 -0.85,-1.28 -0.23,-0.99 -0.33,-0.83 -0.09,-0.82 -0.32,-0.5 0.03,-0.64 -0.05,-0.18 -0.1,-0.08 -0.57,-0.36 -0.65,-0.64 -0.33,-0.15 -0.14,0 -0.08,0.16 -0.05,0.3 -1.04,1.06 -0.88,0.5 -0.43,0.49 -0.39,0.24 -0.21,0.03 -0.29,-0.16 -0.92,-0.72 -0.76,-0.33 -0.08,-0.16 0.04,-0.61 0.35,-0.71 -0.36,-1.29 0.11,-0.45 0.28,-0.31 0.82,-0.48 0.08,-0.23 -0.18,-1.23 -0.46,-0.46 -0.13,-0.26 0.14,-1 -0.2,-0.66 0.36,-0.56 0.03,-0.96 0.29,-1 0.31,-1.48 -0.07,-0.64 0.39,-0.69 0.13,-0.7 0.02,-0.49 -0.06,-0.3 -0.14,-0.11 -0.28,0 -1.29,0.27 -0.42,-0.04 -0.37,-0.13 -0.21,-0.24 -0.06,-0.56 -0.29,-0.37 -0.15,-0.06 -0.59,0.22 -0.13,-0.01 -0.06,-0.1 -0.24,-0.48 -0.95,-0.93 -0.46,-1.07 -0.92,-0.94 -0.88,-1.29 -1.69,-2.02 -0.41,-0.41 -1.28,-0.7 -1.01,-1.02 -1.03,-0.73 -0.1,-0.12 -0.01,-0.08 0.06,-0.06 0.29,-0.2 0.07,-0.37 -0.39,-0.77 0.19,-0.75 -0.26,-1.04 -0.14,-0.35 -0.73,-0.97 -0.48,-0.93 -0.75,-0.86 -1.01,-1.41 0,-3.48 0,-3.49 0,-3.51 0,-3.52 1.74,0 4.01,0 4.02,0 4.01,0 4.01,0 0.91,0 3.11,0 4.01,0 4.01,0 4.02,0 4.01,0 4.02,0 4.01,0 4.01,0 4.02,0 3.03,0 0.98,0 4.02,0 4.01,0 4.01,0 4.02,0 4.01,0 4.01,0 4.02,0 4.01,0 4.01,0 4.02,0 4.01,0 4.02,0 4.01,0 2.99,0 0.02,2.71 0.02,2.71 0.01,2.7 0.01,2.7 0.01,2.68 0.02,2.67 0.01,2.66 0.01,2.65 0.02,2.65 0.01,2.63 0.01,2.62 0.02,2.62 0.01,2.6 0.01,2.6 0.02,2.58 z"
                d="m 962.64444,605.02606 -0.25,0.91 0.13,0.52 0.5,0.54 0.55,1.34 0.44,1.8 -0.59,-0.73 -0.63,-0.39 -0.98,-0.3 -0.88,-0.52 0.06,0.75 -0.08,0.81 -0.67,-0.25 -0.46,-0.27 0.41,0.86 -0.88,-0.26 -0.59,0.05 -0.38,0.76 -0.51,0.46 -0.76,0.15 -1.13,-0.7 -0.36,-0.84 -0.15,-0.94 -0.06,1.11 0.2,1.16 -0.07,0.88 1.08,0.16 1.01,-0.14 1.37,0.04 0.89,-0.17 0.54,-0.28 1.29,0.24 0.09,1.06 -0.15,1.05 -0.07,1.12 0.36,-0.01 0.42,-0.36 0.21,-2.01 1.18,-0.74 0.39,0.05 0.38,0.65 0.13,0.66 0.13,0.9 -0.28,1.37 -1.81,1.6 -1.29,1.47 -0.66,0.3 -0.95,-0.17 -1.08,-0.37 -0.53,-0.07 -0.4,0.12 -0.25,-0.45 -0.16,-0.83 -0.42,-0.28 -0.32,0.03 -0.22,0.88 -1.01,0.25 -1.37,-0.36 -1.44,-0.74 0.62,0.79 3.57,1.48 0.4,0.28 0.38,0.4 -0.5,0.63 -0.39,0.71 -0.06,0.56 -0.14,0.35 -1.42,0.95 -0.77,-0.17 -1.97,-1.71 0.9,1.48 0.72,0.63 1.45,0.33 2.71,-0.55 0.89,0.6 -0.73,1.07 -0.73,0.75 -0.95,0.08 -0.84,0.2 -0.25,0.51 -0.6,0.03 -0.93,0.03 -1.45,0.05 -0.79,-0.12 -1.11,1.05 -0.42,0.14 -0.58,-0.2 -0.25,-0.84 -0.26,-0.42 -0.01,1.58 0.1,0.42 0.21,0.32 -1.3,0.86 -1.24,1.07 -0.45,0.29 -0.51,0.53 -1.04,1.54 -0.26,1.12 -0.37,1.25 -0.05,-0.56 0.06,-0.95 -0.26,-1.08 -0.16,1.99 -0.4,0.92 -3.7,-0.06 -1.49,0.46 -1.36,-1.37 -1.27,-1.29 -1.27,-1.29 -1.27,-1.29 -1.27,-1.3 -1.27,-1.3 -1.27,-1.3 -1.27,-1.3 -1.33,-0.05 -1.33,-0.04 -1.33,-0.05 -1.33,-0.04 -1.33,-0.05 -1.33,-0.04 -1.33,-0.05 -1.33,-0.04 -0.05,-0.9 -0.04,-0.64 -0.83,-1.09 -0.49,-0.64 -1.05,0.55 -0.06,-0.27 0.04,-0.48 -0.09,-0.17 -0.29,-0.12 -1.49,-0.07 -1.49,-0.07 -1.49,-0.07 -1.49,-0.07 -1.49,-0.07 -1.49,-0.07 -1.49,-0.07 -1.49,-0.07 -0.34,-0.11 -0.67,0.38 -1.77,0.57 -0.87,0.5 -0.32,-0.03 -1.5,0.49 -1.5,0.49 -0.17,0 -2.85,0.04 -2.85,0.04 -2.85,0.04 -2.85,0.04 0.35,-2.44 0.24,-0.56 0.27,-0.13 0.98,-0.01 0.62,-0.28 0.55,-1.47 1.25,-1.16 0.56,-0.29 0.84,-0.23 1.99,-0.28 2.14,-1.13 1.54,-1.07 1.22,-0.3 0.38,-0.39 0.28,-0.51 0.17,-0.7 0.13,-0.15 0.71,0.05 0.54,-0.61 0.52,-0.35 0.52,-0.2 0.32,-0.01 0.12,0.18 0.09,0.52 0.11,0.17 0.22,0.01 0.3,-0.12 0.4,-0.33 1.04,-1.04 0.69,-0.4 1.06,-0.23 0.77,0.55 0.46,-0.19 1.35,-2.13 0.54,-0.39 0.4,-0.15 0.7,-0.03 0.01,-0.59 0.24,-0.89 0.03,-0.61 0.43,-0.89 0.16,0.18 3.41,0.03 3.41,0.03 3.41,0.03 3.41,0.03 3.41,0.03 3.41,0.03 3.41,0.03 3.41,0.03 3.41,0.03 3.41,0.03 3.41,0.03 3.41,0.03 3.41,0.03 3.41,0.03 3.41,0.03 2.27,0.16 z m 0.73,0.02 0.3,0 0.94,3.74 1.88,4.06 0.23,0.7 -0.44,-0.61 -1.39,-2.68 -0.78,-1.96 -0.74,-3.25 z m 2.38,8.06 -0.14,0.24 -0.63,-1.28 0.64,0.41 0.11,0.34 0.02,0.29 z m 0.86,7.1 -1.26,0.31 -0.11,-0.1 1.45,-0.65 0.46,-2.31 0.06,-1.07 -0.22,-1.88 0.01,-0.39 0.24,0.61 0.21,1.76 -0.08,1.33 -0.42,1.93 -0.34,0.46 z m -2.24,0.57 -1.71,0.82 -0.19,-0.05 1.12,-0.59 0.78,-0.18 z m -6.79,6.25 -0.23,0.13 0.86,-1.42 1.7,-1.81 0.46,-0.28 -1.42,1.54 -1.37,1.84 z m -0.4,-0.13 -0.21,0.03 -0.37,-0.13 -0.51,-0.24 -0.11,-0.18 0.49,0.06 0.71,0.46 z"
                title="North Carolina"
                d="m 768.81444,487.55606 -2.19,0 -2.19,0 -2.2,0 -2.19,0 -2.19,0 -2.19,0 -2.2,0 -2.19,0 -2.19,0 -2.2,0 -2.19,0 -2.19,0 -2.19,0 -2.2,0 -2.19,0 -2.19,0 -2.2,0 -2.19,0 -2.19,0 -2.2,0 -2.19,0 -2.19,0 -2.19,0 -2.2,0 -2.19,0 -2.19,0 -2.2,0 -2.19,0 -2.19,0 -2.2,0 -2.19,0 -2.19,0 -0.01,-2.58 -0.02,-2.58 -0.01,-2.6 -0.01,-2.6 -0.02,-2.62 -0.01,-2.62 -0.01,-2.63 -0.02,-2.65 -0.01,-2.65 -0.01,-2.66 -0.02,-2.67 -0.01,-2.68 -0.01,-2.7 -0.01,-2.7 -0.02,-2.71 -0.02,-2.71 1.02,0 4.02,0 4.01,0 4.01,0 4.02,0 4.01,0 4.02,0 4.01,0 4.01,0 4.02,0 4.01,0 4.02,0 4.01,0 4.01,0 4.02,0 4.01,0 2.86,0 0.92,4.45 -0.01,1.25 -0.14,0.8 0.12,1.4 -0.05,0.94 0.14,1.2 -0.04,1.59 0.45,1.83 0.67,1.65 -0.02,0.48 0.2,0.99 0.39,0.82 0.83,2.42 -0.04,2.28 0.14,0.7 0.21,4.9 0.07,0.61 0.45,0.75 -0.21,1.11 -0.03,0.57 0.09,2.04 0.26,0.79 0.26,1.61 1.07,1.98 0.18,0.75 0.06,0.6 0.29,1.21 -0.09,1.61 z"
                title="North Dakota"
                d="m 769.52444,532.50606 0.29,0.06 0.63,1.12 0.26,2 0.57,1.62 0.89,1.22 0.44,0.89 0,0.57 0.22,0.6 0.42,0.65 0.16,1.09 -0.08,1.55 0.18,0.82 0.44,0.1 0.2,0.21 -0.06,0.34 0.14,0.25 0.36,0.16 0.1,0.44 -0.16,0.73 0.13,0.45 0.42,0.19 0.08,0.36 -0.26,0.52 0.04,0.42 0.34,0.3 0.23,1.34 0.11,2.37 -0.04,1.38 -0.19,0.41 0.31,0.85 0.57,0.92 0.24,0.38 0.52,1.29 0.22,1.28 0.51,0.82 0.81,0.38 0.54,0.82 0.28,1.25 0.67,1.05 0.15,0.11 -1.7,0 -1.97,0 -1.97,0 -1.97,0 -1.98,0 -1.97,0 -1.97,0 -1.98,0 -1.97,0 -1.97,0 -1.98,0 -1.97,0 -1.97,0 -1.98,0 -1.97,0 -1.97,0 -1.97,0 -1.98,0 -1.97,0 -1.97,0 -1.98,0 -1.97,0 -1.97,0 -1.98,0 -1.97,0 -1.97,0 -1.98,0 -1.97,0 -1.97,0 -1.97,0 -1.98,0 -1.97,0 0,-1.53 0,-1.53 0,-1.54 0,-1.54 0,-1.54 0,-1.54 0,-1.55 -0.01,-1.55 -2.35,0 -2.34,0 -2.35,0 -2.35,0 -2.35,0 -2.35,0 -2.35,0 -2.35,0 -0.01,-3.12 -0.01,-3.12 -0.01,-3.14 0,-3.15 -0.01,-3.16 -0.01,-3.18 -0.01,-3.18 -0.01,-3.2 3.26,0 3.26,0 3.26,0 3.25,0 3.26,0 3.26,0 3.26,0 3.26,0 3.25,0 3.26,0 3.26,0 3.26,0 3.26,0 3.26,0 3.25,0 3.73,0 2.81,1.91 1.67,0.59 0.8,-0.56 1.72,-0.32 2.65,-0.08 1.67,0.26 0.7,0.6 1.36,0.68 2.03,0.75 1.21,0.82 0.4,0.88 0.71,0.55 z"
                d="m 1011.9044,525.35606 -0.42,1.66 -0.27,0.82 -1.1,-0.06 -0.48,0.13 -0.96,0.59 -0.59,0.22 -0.97,1 -0.82,0.35 -1.34,-0.05 -1.34,-0.04 -1.34,-0.04 -1.34,-0.05 -1.32996,-0.04 -1.34,-0.05 -1.34,-0.04 -1.34,-0.05 -0.16,-0.45 -0.52,-0.82 -0.13,-0.34 0.03,-0.38 0.29,-1.03 0.21,-0.32 0.22,-0.6 0.33,-2.39 0.29,-1.39 0.21,-2.54 0.21,-0.75 0.24,-0.46 0.38,-1.2 0.7,-0.99 0.46,-1.21 0.55,-1.06 0.09,-0.62 0.41,-1.35 0.29,-2.41 0.28,-0.38 1.25996,-0.33 0.4,-0.25 1.34,-1 0.42,-0.42 0.27,-0.42 0.21,-0.68 0.15,-0.18 0.03,-0.37 -0.47,-1.59 -0.02,-0.58 1.04,-1.81 -0.22,-1.05 0.15,-0.26 0.92,-2.57 0.87,-1.19 1.18,0.4 0.63,-0.04 0.47,-0.41 0.07,1.32 0.07,1.47 0.08,1.47 0.07,1.47 0.07,1.47 0.07,1.46 0.07,1.46 0.08,1.46 0.07,1.45 0.07,1.45 0.07,1.45 0.07,1.45 0.08,1.44 0.07,1.44 0.07,1.44 0.07,1.44 -0.05,0.95 0.12,0.89 0.34,0.79 0.85,1.15 0.15,0.97 z"
                title="New Hampshire"
                d="m 982.00444,551.59606 -0.16,0.97 -0.93,1.96 -0.39,0.45 -0.46,0.4 -0.35,0.17 -0.32,0.31 -0.37,0.49 -0.35,0.98 0.21,0.89 1.8,0.33 0.48,-0.28 0.25,0.64 0.14,0.89 -0.14,0.96 -0.3,0.97 -0.23,1.21 -0.19,1.83 -0.29,1.65 -0.04,-0.5 0.18,-2 -0.29,0.21 -0.2,0.46 -0.55,2.58 -0.76,1.37 -0.7,0.95 -0.72,-0.16 0.16,0.75 -0.2,0.39 -0.17,0.82 -0.43,0.54 -0.4,-0.05 -0.58,0.37 -0.23,0.29 -0.02,0.54 -0.39,0.48 -1.4,2.49 -1.21,0.73 -0.29,-0.11 0.32,-1.17 0.22,-1.19 -0.74,-0.52 -0.71,-0.27 -0.81,0.04 -0.89,-0.92 -1.15,-0.67 -1.61,-1.82 0.05,-0.51 -0.04,-0.85 0.49,-1.35 0.47,-0.94 0.65,-0.49 1.88,-0.5 0.47,-0.75 0.28,-0.63 0.48,-0.42 1.08,-0.76 1.64,-0.92 -2.27,-3.09 -0.54,-0.18 -0.6,-1.51 -0.69,-0.42 -0.17,-0.24 -0.03,-1.16 0.06,-0.67 0.1,-0.39 0.59,-0.33 0.34,-0.67 0.01,-0.35 -0.45,-1.08 0,-0.34 0.86,-0.66 1.12,-1.29 0.67,-1.41 0.27,-0.41 0.33,-0.29 0.74,-0.4 0.93,0.57 0.93,0.57 0.93,0.57 0.93,0.57 0.93,0.57 0.93,0.57 0.93,0.57 0.91,0.57 z m -2.11,16.14 -1.1,1.84 -0.02,-0.35 1.38,-2.29 -0.26,0.8 z"
                title="New Jersey"
                d="m 708.15444,605.61606 -0.39,0.01 -0.01,3.27 -0.02,3.26 -0.01,3.25 -0.02,3.23 -0.01,3.23 -0.01,3.21 -0.02,3.21 -0.01,3.19 -0.01,3.18 -0.02,3.17 -0.01,3.16 -0.02,3.15 -0.01,3.14 -0.01,3.13 -0.02,3.12 -0.01,3.11 -2.12,0 -2.11,0 -2.12,0 -2.12,0.01 -2.11,0 -2.12,0 -2.11,0 -2.12,0 -2.12,0 -2.11,0 -2.12,0 -2.11,0 -2.12,0.01 -2.12,0 -2.11,0 -2.12,0 -0.05,0 0.96,2 -0.01,0 1.14,0.57 -0.07,-0.02 -2.07,-0.02 -2.07,-0.01 -2.07,-0.01 -2.07,-0.01 -2.07,-0.02 -2.07,-0.01 -2.07,-0.01 -2.07,-0.01 0,1.24 -0.01,1.23 0,1.24 -0.01,1.23 -3.33,0.01 -3.32,0.01 -1.19,0 0,-3.9 0,-3.91 0,-3.93 0,-3.94 0,-3.96 0,-3.97 0,-3.99 0,-4.01 0,-4.02 0,-4.04 0,-4.06 0,-4.08 0,-4.09 0,-4.11 0.01,-4.13 0,-4.16 3.55,0 3.56,0 3.56,0 3.55,0 3.56,0 3.56,0 3.56,0 3.55,0 3.56,0 3.56,0 3.55,0 3.56,0 3.56,0 3.55,0 3.56,0 3.56,0 0,1.47 0,1.46 0,1.46 z"
                title="New Mexico"
                d="m 604.23444,599.73606 -0.01,4.58 -0.02,5.02 -0.18,0.07 -0.54,1.15 -0.6,0.53 -0.46,-0.01 -0.46,-0.33 -0.47,-0.65 -0.71,-0.38 -0.93,-0.09 -0.82,0.1 -0.72,0.3 -0.44,0.43 -0.24,0.83 0.08,0.34 0.43,0.77 0.03,1.2 0.06,0.97 0.26,0.53 0.04,0.62 -0.16,0.98 0.13,0.8 0.54,1.41 -0.18,4.07 0,0.08 -2.56,-2.43 -2.39,-2.27 -2.39,-2.28 -2.39,-2.29 -2.39,-2.29 -2.39,-2.3 -2.39,-2.31 -2.39,-2.31 -1.72,-1.61 -1.73,-1.61 -1.73,-1.61 -1.72,-1.62 -1.73,-1.62 -1.72,-1.63 -1.73,-1.63 -1.73,-1.63 -2.2,-1.94 -2.21,-1.94 -2.2,-1.95 -2.2,-1.95 -2.21,-1.96 -2.2,-1.96 -2.21,-1.96 -2.2,-1.97 0,-2.27 -0.01,-2.27 0,-2.28 0,-2.28 0,-2.29 0,-2.3 0,-2.3 0,-2.31 0,-2.32 0,-2.32 0,-2.33 0,-2.33 0,-2.34 0,-2.35 0,-2.36 0,-2.36 3.51,0 3.51,0 3.51,0 3.51,0 3.52,0 3.51,0 3.51,0 3.51,0 3.5,0 3.5,0 3.5,-0.01 3.5,0 3.5,0 3.5,0 3.5,0 3.5,0 0,1.97 0,1.96 0,1.96 0,1.95 0,1.95 0,1.95 0,1.94 0,1.93 0,1.93 0,1.93 0,1.92 0,1.92 0.01,1.91 0,1.91 0,1.91 0,1.89 0,1.9 0,1.89 0,1.89 0,1.88 0,1.88 0,1.87 0,1.87 0,1.87 0,1.86 0,1.86 0.01,1.85 0,1.85 0,1.85 0,1.84 0,1.84 z"
                d="m 988.18444,529.42606 -0.3,1.07 -0.3,1.07 -0.3,1.07 -0.3,1.07 -0.3,1.07 -0.3,1.07 -0.3,1.06 -0.3,1.06 0.25,0.31 -0.08,1.2 -0.08,1.2 -0.08,1.2 -0.08,1.19 -0.08,1.19 -0.08,1.19 -0.08,1.19 -0.08,1.19 0.29,0.48 0.29,0.48 -0.35,0.22 -0.55,0.35 -0.58,0.37 -0.76,0.48 0.38,0.62 0.49,0.78 -0.39,0.32 -1.01,1.08 -0.68,0.58 -0.56,0.19 -0.34,0.49 -0.38,0.32 0.36,-1.08 0.39,-0.91 0.33,-1.77 -0.1,-1.44 -0.41,-0.59 -0.42,-0.4 0.49,1.42 0.08,1.74 -0.01,0.05 -0.9,-0.56 -0.93,-0.57 -0.93,-0.57 -0.93,-0.57 -0.93,-0.57 -0.93,-0.57 -0.93,-0.57 -0.93,-0.57 -0.2,-0.47 -0.34,-0.36 -1.68,-0.63 -0.43,-0.42 -0.39,-0.57 -0.27,-0.7 -0.14,-0.73 -0.01,-0.58 0.12,-0.65 -0.39,-0.43 -0.01,-0.41 -0.25,-0.27 -1.1,-0.49 -0.33,-0.69 -0.73,-0.65 -1.3,0 -1.3,0 -1.3,0 -1.3,0 -1.3,0 -1.3,0 -1.3,0 -1.3,0 -1.3,0 -1.3,0 -1.3,0 -1.3,0 -1.3,0 -1.3,0 -1.3,0 -1.3,0 -1.3,0 -1.3,0 -1.3,0 -1.3,0 -1.3,0 -1.3,0 -1.3,0 -1.3,0 -1.3,0 -1.3,0 -1.3,0 -1.3,0 -1.3,0 -1.3,0 -1.3,0 -1.3,0 0,-1.7 0,-1.7 0,-0.07 0.55,-0.31 1.81,-1.15 0.9,-0.84 0.95,-0.7 1,-0.55 0.79,-0.71 0.59,-0.87 0.65,-0.65 0.71,-0.43 0.38,-0.45 0.05,-0.47 -0.13,-0.64 -0.31,-0.8 -0.04,-0.63 0.23,-0.46 0.05,-0.31 -0.13,-0.16 -1.49,-0.46 0.06,-2.21 -0.02,-0.06 0.08,-0.03 3.42,-0.98 2.18,-0.34 2.66,-0.09 3.17,0.48 1.23,0.44 0.78,0.56 0.9,0.15 1.02,-0.26 1.41,-0.09 1.81,0.09 0.97,0.13 0.13,0.18 0.12,-0.05 0.12,-0.28 0.48,-0.31 1.35,-0.47 0.18,0.1 0.28,-0.24 0.38,-0.57 0.69,-0.63 1.01,-0.69 0.91,-0.36 0.81,-0.03 0.54,-0.17 0.27,-0.31 0.08,-0.28 -0.11,-0.24 0.05,-0.26 0.04,-0.13 -0.04,-0.11 -0.1,-0.22 -0.08,-1.14 -0.16,-0.53 -0.22,-0.39 -0.14,-0.31 0.03,-0.27 0.49,-0.33 -0.04,0.31 0.13,0.09 0.23,-0.14 0.52,-0.68 0.06,-0.26 0.36,-0.27 0.26,-0.41 -0.29,-0.06 -0.69,0.12 -0.16,-0.12 0.36,-0.55 -0.07,-0.31 -0.11,-0.13 -0.23,-0.05 -0.78,0.48 -0.24,0.04 -0.03,-0.25 -0.4,-0.57 1.08,-1.01 3.82,-2.81 0.39,-0.43 0.14,-0.38 -0.1,-0.33 -0.11,-0.08 0.06,-0.08 3.68,-3.63 2.09,-1.68 1.73,-0.94 1.31,-0.45 0.89,0.06 0.5,-0.06 0.43,0 2.19,0 3.92,-0.01 3.92,-0.01 2.32,0 0.07,0.88 -0.2,1.04 0.16,1.13 -0.22,2.35 0.59,1.81 -0.14,1.21 0.04,1.3 -0.1,0.32 -0.46,0.75 -0.27,0.73 -0.15,0.74 0.01,0.48 0.4,2.12 0.08,0.93 -0.01,0.54 -0.35,1.74 -0.02,0.49 0.1,0.14 0.13,0 0.4,-0.54 0.18,-0.08 0.23,0.13 0.56,0.82 -0.03,1.47 -0.02,1.06 -0.02,1.18 -0.04,1.77 -0.03,1.29 -0.02,1.18 -0.02,0.9 -0.13,0.66 0.19,0.79 z m -26.91,-19.72 -0.3,0.11 -0.07,-0.15 0.05,-0.15 0.25,-0.18 0.41,0 -0.05,0.14 -0.29,0.23 z m -1.41,3.75 -0.14,0.04 0.01,-0.28 0.14,-0.18 0.28,-0.08 -0.01,0.14 -0.28,0.36 z m -25.12,12.51 -0.29,0.44 -0.28,-0.04 -0.2,-0.14 -0.07,-0.28 0.05,-0.35 0.25,-0.15 0.67,0.13 0.02,0.14 -0.15,0.25 z m 60.44,25.71 -0.67,0.8 0.6,0.08 0.52,-0.24 0.49,-0.48 1.14,-0.65 0.98,-0.28 0.31,-0.06 0.46,0.45 0.92,-0.36 0.94996,-0.2 -4.09996,2.07 -0.84,0.23 -1.2,0.61 -1.13,0.44 -0.82,0.16 -4.06,1.53 -0.32,0.03 -0.35,-0.15 -3.35,0.79 -1.37,0.09 -1.25,0.27 0.92,-0.63 0.02,-0.24 -0.22,-0.19 -0.49,0.05 -0.51,0.65 -0.81,0.22 -0.16,-0.71 0.27,-0.55 0.37,-0.52 0.8,-0.82 1.15,-0.52 0.58,-0.45 0.4,0.4 0.09,-0.54 0.31,-0.31 0.34,-0.17 0.81,0 0.44,-0.08 0.32,-0.18 0.33,-0.03 0.89,0.24 0.87,-0.07 0.7,-0.34 0.73,-0.11 1.93,-0.08 1.92,-0.25 0.77,-0.44 1.61,-1.23 0.93,-0.34 -1.44,1.42 -0.78,0.69 z m -15.8,5.73 -0.45,0.05 0.45,-1.18 0.83,-0.54 0.3,0.11 0.01,0.42 -0.12,0.36 -0.55,0.55 -0.47,0.23 z"
                title="New York"
                d="m 919.78444,555.87606 -1.11,0.54 -0.21,0.5 0.34,0.63 0.18,0.82 0.02,1 -0.62,2.2 -1.28,3.38 -0.64,2.12 -0.02,0.87 -0.84,1.13 -1.66,1.4 -1.16,0.84 -0.66,0.29 -0.56,-0.02 -0.44,-0.34 -0.5,0.23 -0.56,0.8 -0.51,0.41 -0.48,0.02 -0.41,0.52 -0.34,1 -0.32,0.58 -0.3,0.15 -0.02,0.51 0.25,0.86 -0.02,0.31 -0.14,0.01 -0.13,-0.05 -0.33,0.19 -0.36,0.48 -0.14,0.01 -0.1,-0.08 -0.1,-0.63 -0.3,-0.44 -0.48,-0.26 -0.67,0.58 -0.86,1.42 -0.37,0.92 0.14,0.64 0.08,0.93 -0.22,0.38 -0.46,0.14 -0.37,0.51 -0.25,0.86 -0.65,0.55 -1.04,0.23 -1.09,-0.4 -0.08,-0.03 -1.29,-1.08 -0.81,-1.04 -0.34,-0.99 -1.12,-0.05 -1.92,0.91 -1.44,0.13 -0.98,-0.62 -0.73,-0.25 -0.73,0.21 -0.7,0.4 -0.58,-0.24 -0.72,-0.74 -1.13,-0.52 -1.55,-0.29 -1.08,-0.81 -0.59,-1.31 -0.64,-0.91 -0.67,-0.5 -0.75,-0.14 -0.8,0.2 -0.62,-0.1 -0.44,-0.42 -0.56,0.05 -0.52,0.4 0.01,-4.02 0.04,-3.96 0.03,-3.97 0.03,-4 0.03,-4.02 0.03,-4.03 0.04,-4.06 0.03,-4.08 3.13,-0.12 3.14,-0.11 3.13,-0.13 3.14,-0.11 0.09,-0.08 -0.02,0.04 0.13,0.22 0.85,0.14 0.58,0.26 0.45,0.39 1.64,0.77 0.5,0.47 0.49,0.26 0.5,0.05 0.33,-0.15 0.19,-0.34 0.23,-0.03 0.28,0.3 0.92,0.33 0.03,0.1 -2.55,0.57 -0.53,0.27 0.64,0.18 0.64,-0.04 0.65,-0.27 0.75,0.01 0.65,0.13 0.21,-0.11 0.08,-0.06 1.11,0.75 0.42,0.12 0.43,-0.09 0.45,-0.28 0.98,-0.37 1.52,-0.45 1.46,-0.19 1.4,0.09 0.89,-0.13 0.81,-0.47 1.79,-1.54 2.05,-1.24 3.39,-1.55 3.28,-1.21 0,1.05 0,1.32 0,1.32 0,1.31 0,1.32 0,1.31 0,1.31 0,1.31 0,1.3 0,1.3 0,1.31 0,1.29 z"
                d="m 787.06444,605.61606 0.21,1.63 0.21,1.61 0.21,1.62 0.21,1.61 0.21,1.61 0.21,1.61 0.21,1.6 0.21,1.61 -0.02,1.24 -0.03,1.25 -0.02,1.25 -0.03,1.24 -0.03,1.24 -0.02,1.24 -0.03,1.24 -0.03,1.24 -0.02,1.23 -0.03,1.24 -0.03,1.23 -0.02,1.23 -0.03,1.23 -0.03,1.22 -0.02,1.23 -0.03,1.22 -2.12,-0.57 -0.53,-0.36 -0.98,-0.42 -0.87,-0.84 -1.73,-1.06 -0.66,-0.25 -0.21,0.03 -0.35,0.52 -0.93,0.41 -0.5,0.01 -0.9,-0.15 -0.18,-0.13 -0.13,-0.32 -0.36,-0.21 -0.27,0.17 -1.32,0.43 -0.19,0.31 -0.75,0.01 -0.74,-0.22 -1.86,0.69 -0.64,0.54 -0.67,0.18 -0.34,0.53 -0.21,-0.08 -0.7,-0.65 -0.71,-0.19 -0.99,-0.64 -0.03,-0.57 -0.11,-0.07 -0.17,-0.06 -0.22,0.05 -0.43,0.49 -0.25,0.12 -0.24,-0.02 -0.96,-0.32 -0.4,-0.58 -0.19,-0.18 -0.22,-0.04 -0.41,0.18 -0.23,0.63 -0.19,0.18 -0.39,0.1 0.02,0.32 -0.35,0.88 -0.19,0.18 -0.25,-0.03 -0.25,-0.22 -0.19,-0.31 -0.08,-0.27 0.14,-0.69 -0.09,-0.24 -0.19,-0.07 -0.46,0.33 -0.41,-0.02 -0.53,0.33 -0.32,0.1 -0.3,-0.08 -0.49,-0.53 -0.84,-0.34 -0.33,-0.63 -0.15,-0.18 -0.18,-0.05 -0.18,0.02 -0.3,0.2 -0.97,0.83 -0.44,0.26 -0.38,0.05 -0.37,-0.08 -0.23,-0.21 -0.04,-0.84 -0.22,-0.25 -0.9,-0.53 -0.19,-0.49 -0.08,-0.69 -1.09,0.11 -1.34,-0.07 -0.6,0.6 -0.32,0.11 -0.37,-0.12 -1.08,-0.82 -1.15,0.17 -0.65,-0.09 -1.6,-0.61 -1.25,-0.06 -0.52,-0.11 -0.28,-0.14 -0.12,-0.94 -0.5,-0.79 -0.16,-0.22 -0.85,-0.55 -0.14,-0.02 -0.09,0.12 -0.19,0.63 -0.26,0.03 -0.98,-0.18 -0.9,0.19 -0.5,-0.31 -1.71,-1.45 -0.69,-0.38 -0.56,-0.12 0,-1.36 0,-1.36 0,-1.37 0,-1.37 -0.01,-1.37 0,-1.37 0,-1.38 0,-1.38 0,-1.37 0,-1.39 -0.01,-1.38 0,-1.38 0,-1.39 0,-1.39 0,-1.39 -0.01,-1.4 -1.76,0 -1.76,0 -1.77,0 -1.76,0 -1.76,0 -1.77,0 -1.76,0 -1.77,0 -1.76,0 -1.76,0 -1.77,0 -1.76,0 -1.77,0 -1.76,0 -1.76,0 -1.77,0 0,-1.46 0,-1.46 0,-1.46 0,-1.47 2.32,0 2.33,0 2.32,0 2.33,0 2.17,0 2.18,0 2.18,0 2.17,0 2.18,0 2.17,0 2.18,0 2.17,0 2.18,0 2.17,0 2.18,0 2.17,0 2.18,0 2.17,0 2.18,0 2.18,0 2.17,0 2.18,0 2.17,0 2.18,0 2.17,0 2.18,0 2.17,0 2.18,0 2.17,0 2.18,0 2.17,0 2.18,0 2.17,0 2.18,0 2.17,0 2.18,0 0,1.47 0,1.46 0,1.47 z"
                d="m 517.81444,484.70606 0.94,-0.34 0.74,0.26 0.94,0.61 0.93,1.85 0.91,3.07 0.2,1.02 0.71,0.63 0.84,0.03 3.37,0.45 0.5,-0.03 0,0 0.61,-0.12 1.91,-1.17 2.07,-0.38 2.45,0.08 1.5,0.34 0.55,0.58 1.31,0.06 3.1,-0.68 3.43,-0.48 1.84,-0.49 2.09,-1.02 4.75,-1.3 2.37,-0.15 1.2,-0.49 0.28,-0.25 0.17,-0.01 2.5,0 2.49,0 2.5,-0.01 2.5,0 2.5,0 2.5,-0.01 2.5,0 2.33,0 0.26,0.59 0.98,1.16 1.39,0.99 0.91,1.04 0.41,1.08 -0.68,2.47 -1.77,3.84 -0.96,2.44 -0.16,1.06 -0.87,1.79 -1.6,2.53 -0.78,1.87 0.04,1.21 0.54,0.71 1.04,0.19 0.72,0.4 0.38,0.59 0.01,0.56 -0.36,0.5 -0.1,0.52 0.15,0.54 -0.12,0.96 -0.6,1.96 0.01,0.07 0,3.18 0.01,2.88 0,2.88 0,2.86 0.01,2.85 0,2.84 0.01,2.84 0,2.82 -3.51,0 -3.51,0 -3.51,0 -3.52,0 -3.51,0 -3.51,0 -3.51,0 -3.51,0 -2.48,0 -2.49,0 -2.48,0 -2.48,0 -2.48,0 -2.48,0 -2.48,0 -2.49,0 -2.48,0 -2.48,0 -2.48,0 -2.48,0 -2.49,0 -2.48,0 -2.48,0 -2.57,-0.01 -1.19,-1.54 -0.52,-2.3 -0.1,-0.97 0.14,-2.58 -0.36,-1.1 -0.9,-1.82 0.39,-1.59 0.41,-0.97 1.02,-4.23 0.24,-0.34 0.43,0.01 0.74,-0.73 -0.34,-0.16 -0.52,0.34 0.46,-1.68 0.52,-1.45 0.33,-0.52 0.17,-4.74 0.3,-3.63 0.49,-1.21 -0.17,-1.24 0.19,-1.69 -0.14,-1.71 1.05,-8.28 -0.14,-1.01 0.32,-1.35 -0.3,-3.57 0.13,-4.02 -0.26,-0.51 -0.14,-0.56 0.25,-0.08 0.48,0.59 2.24,-0.01 1.44,-0.54 0.52,0.18 0.6,0.73 0.76,0.15 z"
                d="m 974.57444,547.04606 -0.74,0.41 -0.33,0.29 -0.27,0.41 -0.67,1.42 -1.12,1.28 -0.86,0.66 0,0.34 0.45,1.08 -0.01,0.35 -0.34,0.67 -0.59,0.33 -0.1,0.39 -0.06,0.67 0.03,1.16 0.17,0.24 0.69,0.41 0.59,1.52 0.55,0.18 2.27,3.09 -1.64,0.91 -1.08,0.77 -0.47,0.41 -0.93,1.09 -1.39,0.36 -0.76,0.41 -0.19,0.19 -0.84,-0.34 -1.17,0.05 -0.4,0.15 -0.3,0.3 -0.71,0.98 -2.17,0 -2.18,0 -2.17,0 -2.17,0 -2.17,0 -2.18,0 -2.17,0 -2.17,0 -2.17,0 -2.18,0 -2.17,0 -2.17,0 -2.18,0 -2.17,0 -2.17,-0.01 -2.17,0 -1.23,0.01 -1.23,0 -1.22,0 -1.23,0 -1.22,0 -1.23,0 -1.23,0 -1.22,0 0,-1.41 0,-1.42 -0.01,-1.41 0,-1.42 0,-1.42 0,-1.43 0,-1.42 0.01,-1.42 -0.01,-1.31 0,-1.29 0,-1.31 0,-1.3 0,-1.3 0,-1.31 0,-1.31 0,-1.31 0,-1.32 0,-1.31 0,-1.32 0,-1.32 0,-1.05 1.75,-0.65 0.78,-0.44 0.78,-0.42 0.41,-0.25 0.46,-0.22 2.95,-1.64 0,0.07 0,1.7 0,1.7 1.3,0 1.29,0.01 1.3,0 1.3,0 1.3,0 1.3,0 1.29,0 1.3,0 1.3,0 1.3,0 1.3,0 1.29,0.01 1.3,0 1.3,0 1.3,0 1.29,0 1.3,0 1.3,0 1.3,0 1.29,0 1.3,0 1.3,0.01 1.3,0 1.3,0 1.29,0 1.3,0 1.3,0 1.3,0 1.29,0 1.3,0 1.3,0 1.3,0.01 0.73,0.65 0.33,0.68 1.1,0.49 0.25,0.28 0,0.4 0.39,0.43 -0.12,0.66 0,0.58 0.14,0.73 0.27,0.7 0.39,0.56 0.43,0.42 1.69,0.63 0.34,0.37 z"
                d="m 1007.1944,542.67606 -0.35,0.32 -0.37,-0.49 -0.19,-0.53 -0.27,-0.3 -0.29,-0.11 0.25,1.16 -0.59,0.87 -0.16,2.25 -0.75,0.93 -2.32,0.6 -0.69,-0.06 0.12,-0.72 0.24,-0.3 0.05,-0.78 0.03,-0.51 -0.01,-0.86 -0.01,-0.99 -0.01,-1.08 -0.01,-0.95 -0.01,-0.69 -0.01,-0.95 0,-0.68 0.71,-0.01 0.97,-0.01 0.93,-0.02 0.58,-0.01 0.71,-0.01 0.03,0.57 0.04,0.87 0.39,0.14 -0.02,0.71 -0.01,0.47 0.34,0.29 0.35,0.3 0.33,0.58 z m -0.07,2.69 -0.47,0.34 -0.52,-0.06 0.26,-0.46 0.1,-0.68 0.26,-0.75 0.15,-0.23 0.31,-0.2 -0.09,2.04 z m -1.17,0.08 -0.26,0.23 -0.1,-0.61 0.18,-0.7 0.19,-0.02 0.09,0.37 -0.1,0.73 z"
                title="Rhode Island"
                d="m 938.18444,635.71606 -0.12,0.04 -2.49,1.68 -0.74,0.74 -2.05,2.84 -0.52,1.81 -0.42,-0.76 0.1,-0.57 0.01,-0.47 -0.52,1 0.49,1.46 -0.44,0.56 -1.35,1.04 -0.74,0.17 -0.84,0.29 -0.26,1.03 -1.13,0.94 -0.66,0.42 -1.2,-0.26 0.37,0.91 -0.44,0.68 -0.77,0.53 -0.95,0.34 -0.54,-0.04 -0.46,0.18 -0.37,0.44 -0.89,0.41 -0.92,-0.23 -1.05,-0.14 -0.58,0.24 0.98,0.41 0.52,0.58 -0.1,0.79 -0.27,0.3 -0.62,0.41 -0.27,-0.06 -0.16,-0.37 -0.2,-0.77 -0.29,0.16 -0.05,0.36 -0.25,0.13 -0.88,-1.23 0.05,0.94 0.3,0.72 0.3,0.37 0.3,0.21 0.07,0.34 -0.6,0.81 -0.31,0.18 -0.55,0.13 -0.31,0.5 0.1,0.44 -1.91,-0.89 -0.57,-0.8 0.02,-1.03 -0.36,-1.17 -1.12,-1.96 -0.81,-0.56 -0.54,-1.34 -0.53,-2.32 -0.83,-1.48 -1.14,-0.65 -0.76,-0.77 -0.39,-0.88 -0.4,-0.58 -0.42,-0.27 -0.23,-0.45 -0.03,-0.65 -0.65,-0.85 -1.91,-1.58 -0.45,-0.96 -0.9,-1 -2.24,-2.03 0,0 -2.15,-3.95 -0.01,0 -0.27,-0.8 -0.46,-0.33 -0.74,-0.12 -0.73,-0.39 -1.06,-1 -0.01,-0.01 -1.78,-1.24 0.37,-1.11 1.37,-1.46 0.46,-0.77 0.07,-0.01 0.17,0 1.5,-0.49 1.5,-0.48 0.32,0.02 0.87,-0.5 1.76,-0.57 0.68,-0.38 0.34,0.11 1.49,0.06 1.5,0.07 1.49,0.06 1.49,0.07 1.49,0.07 1.5,0.06 1.49,0.07 1.49,0.06 0.29,0.12 0.09,0.17 -0.04,0.48 0.06,0.27 1.05,-0.55 0.49,0.63 0.83,1.09 0.04,0.64 0.05,0.9 1.33,0.04 1.33,0.05 1.33,0.04 1.33,0.05 1.33,0.04 1.33,0.05 1.33,0.04 1.33,0.05 1.27,1.3 1.27,1.3 1.27,1.3 1.27,1.29 1.27,1.3 1.28,1.29 1.27,1.29 z"
                title="South Carolina"
                d="m 768.81444,487.55606 -0.32,1.34 -0.22,0.59 -0.46,0.59 -1.42,1.3 -0.35,0.45 0.05,0.4 0.29,0.51 0.73,1.2 0.39,0.49 1.56,0.8 0.72,0.99 0,2.99 0,2.98 0,2.96 0,2.96 0,2.94 0,2.93 0,2.92 0,2.91 -1.36,0.05 0.16,0.81 0.37,0.79 0.07,0.46 -0.08,0.37 -0.25,0.33 0.06,0.52 0.07,0.15 0.62,0.33 0.2,0.46 0.07,0.52 -0.01,0.39 -0.38,0.72 -0.1,0.95 -0.46,1.41 -0.51,0.86 -0.1,0.44 0.05,0.35 0.78,0.91 0.05,0.36 0.25,0.47 0.24,1.05 -0.72,-0.18 -0.71,-0.55 -0.4,-0.88 -1.21,-0.82 -2.03,-0.75 -1.36,-0.68 -0.7,-0.6 -1.67,-0.26 -2.65,0.08 -1.72,0.32 -0.8,0.56 -1.67,-0.59 -2.81,-1.91 -3.73,0 -3.25,0 -3.26,0 -3.26,0 -3.26,0 -3.26,0 -3.26,0 -3.25,0 -3.26,0 -3.26,0 -3.26,0 -3.26,0 -3.25,0 -3.26,0 -3.26,0 -3.26,0 -0.01,-3.22 -0.01,-3.22 -0.01,-3.24 -0.01,-3.26 -0.01,-3.26 -0.01,-3.28 -0.01,-3.3 -0.01,-3.31 0.08,0 0.07,0 0.08,0 0.07,0 0,-0.04 0,-0.04 0.01,-0.04 0,-0.04 -0.02,-3.09 -0.01,-3.11 -0.02,-3.11 -0.01,-3.13 2.19,0 2.19,0 2.2,0 2.19,0 2.19,0 2.2,0 2.19,0 2.19,0 2.2,0 2.19,0 2.19,0 2.19,0 2.2,0 2.19,0 2.19,0 2.2,0 2.19,0 2.19,0 2.2,0 2.19,0 2.19,0 2.19,0 2.2,0 2.19,0 2.19,0 2.2,0 2.19,0 2.19,0 2.19,0 2.2,0 2.19,0 z"
                title="South Dakota"
                d="m 890.14444,604.40606 2.14,0.01 4.56,0.02 3.24,0.02 2.66,0.01 1.57,0.01 1.98,0.01 0.44,-0.24 0.99,0.04 1.33,0.05 -0.43,0.9 -0.03,0.6 -0.24,0.89 -0.01,0.59 -0.69,0.03 -0.41,0.15 -0.54,0.39 -1.34,2.13 -0.47,0.19 -0.77,-0.55 -1.06,0.23 -0.69,0.4 -1.03,1.04 -0.4,0.33 -0.31,0.12 -0.22,-0.01 -0.11,-0.17 -0.09,-0.52 -0.12,-0.18 -0.32,0 -0.52,0.2 -0.52,0.35 -0.54,0.6 -0.71,-0.05 -0.13,0.15 -0.17,0.7 -0.28,0.51 -0.38,0.39 -1.23,0.3 -1.54,1.07 -2.13,1.13 -2,0.28 -0.83,0.23 -0.56,0.29 -1.25,1.16 -0.55,1.47 -0.63,0.28 -0.97,0.01 -0.27,0.13 -0.25,0.56 -0.35,2.43 -3.06,-0.03 -3.06,-0.04 -3.05,-0.04 -3.06,-0.03 -1.51,-0.02 -1.51,-0.02 -1.51,-0.02 -1.51,-0.01 -1.51,-0.02 -1.51,-0.02 -1.51,-0.01 -1.51,-0.02 -1.51,-0.02 -1.51,-0.02 -1.51,-0.01 -1.51,-0.02 -1.51,-0.02 -1.51,-0.01 -1.51,-0.02 -1.51,-0.02 -0.12,0.01 0.11,0.14 0.17,0.15 -2.56,0 -2.5,-0.01 -2.5,0 -2.5,0 -2.5,-0.01 -2.5,0 -2.5,0 -2.4,-0.01 0,-0.03 0.35,-0.48 1.07,-0.78 0.47,-1.03 -0.14,-1.27 0.39,-1.14 0.93,-1.03 0.38,-1.02 -0.16,-1.01 0.46,-0.82 1.09,-0.64 0.15,-0.26 -0.04,-0.19 -0.02,-0.22 0.01,-0.09 0.05,-0.2 0.24,-0.11 0.32,-0.1 0.14,-0.16 0,-0.26 -0.19,-0.46 0.04,-0.21 0.07,-0.34 0.52,-0.86 0.08,-0.73 -0.38,-0.61 0.19,-0.32 0.24,-0.09 0.32,-0.05 0.1,-0.14 0,-0.18 -0.26,-0.4 0.07,-0.35 0.46,-0.25 0.14,-0.62 -0.16,-0.87 0.66,-0.02 0.02,0.06 0.13,0.1 0.18,-0.1 0.02,-0.03 1.87,0 1.62,0 1.63,0 1.62,0.01 1.63,0 1.62,0 1.63,0 1.47,0 0.03,-0.02 0,-1.04 -0.38,-1.2 0.05,0 1.27,0.13 0.83,0.08 0.27,0.36 3.14,-0.06 3.13,-0.06 3.13,-0.06 3.14,-0.06 3.27,0.11 3.26,0.12 3.27,0.11 3.27,0.12 3.27,0.11 3.27,0.11 3.26,0.12 3.27,0.11 0.08,-0.03 0.07,-0.02 0.07,-0.03 0.08,-0.03 0.07,-0.02 0.08,-0.03 0.07,-0.02 z"
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                d="m 632.37444,538.96606 0.01,1.58 0,1.57 0,1.57 0,1.57 0,1.56 0,1.56 0,1.56 0,1.56 2.35,0 2.36,0 2.36,0 2.36,0 2.36,0 2.35,0 2.36,0 2.36,0 0,3.1 0,3.08 0,3.08 0,3.07 0,3.05 0,3.05 0,3.03 0,3.02 0,3.01 0,3 0,2.99 0,2.98 0,2.97 0,2.96 0,2.95 0,2.93 -2.94,0 -2.94,0 -2.94,0 -2.94,-0.01 -2.93,0 -2.94,0 -2.94,0 -2.94,0 -2.94,-0.01 -2.93,0 -2.94,0 -2.94,0 -2.94,-0.01 -2.94,0 -2.93,0 -2.94,0 0,-1.84 0,-1.84 0,-1.84 0,-1.85 0,-1.85 -0.01,-1.85 0,-1.86 0,-1.86 0,-1.87 0,-1.87 0,-1.87 0,-1.88 0,-1.88 0,-1.89 0,-1.89 0,-1.9 0,-1.89 0,-1.91 0,-1.91 -0.01,-1.91 0,-1.92 0,-1.92 0,-1.93 0,-1.93 0,-1.93 0,-1.94 0,-1.95 0,-1.95 0,-1.95 0,-1.96 0,-1.96 0,-1.97 1.76,0 1.76,0 1.76,0 1.76,0 1.76,0 1.76,0 1.76,0 1.76,0 1.76,0 1.76,0 1.76,0 1.76,0 1.76,0 1.76,0 1.76,0 z"
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                d="m 577.34444,486.75606 -2.33,0 -2.5,0 -2.5,0 -2.5,0 -2.5,0 -2.5,0 -2.5,0 -2.5,0 -0.16,0 -0.28,0.25 -1.2,0.49 -2.37,0.15 -4.76,1.3 -2.09,1.02 -1.84,0.5 -3.43,0.48 -3.1,0.68 -1.31,-0.06 -0.55,-0.58 -1.5,-0.33 -2.45,-0.08 -2.07,0.39 -1.91,1.17 -0.61,0.12 0,0 -0.5,0.04 -3.37,-0.46 -0.84,-0.03 -0.72,-0.62 -0.19,-1.02 -0.91,-3.08 -0.93,-1.85 -0.94,-0.61 -0.74,-0.25 -0.94,0.34 -0.29,-0.19 -0.45,-0.05 -1,-0.68 -0.57,-0.68 -1.75,0.05 -0.36,-0.44 -1.95,0.44 -0.6,-0.45 -1.06,0.29 0.26,-1.27 -0.05,-1.6 0.05,-1.56 0.26,1.14 0.66,1.21 0.32,-1.37 0.22,-1.73 -0.65,-0.67 -1.07,-0.49 -0.38,-1.62 2.54,-1.38 -1.35,-0.29 -0.53,-0.62 -0.65,-0.08 -0.05,0.48 -0.21,0.63 -0.23,-0.83 -0.07,-0.98 -0.27,-1.68 -1.04,-2.71 -0.63,-3.53 -0.79,-1.75 -1.52,-1.68 -0.4,-0.98 -0.36,-2.49 0.2,-1.89 -0.28,-1.33 0.73,0.08 1.92,1.05 2.39,0.82 0.72,0.6 1.16,0.44 6.41,0.69 0.42,-0.07 0.83,-0.43 0.35,0.05 0.94,0.97 0.47,0.12 0.61,-0.05 0.45,-0.19 0.77,-0.67 0.1,0.25 -0.01,0.62 0.28,0.88 0.57,1.14 0.21,0.71 -1.15,1.99 -0.22,0.04 -0.03,-0.67 -0.15,-0.13 -2.16,3.36 -0.76,1.59 -0.08,0.72 0.03,0.42 0.3,0.1 0.69,-0.16 1.02,-0.66 0.05,-0.14 -0.95,0.23 -0.46,0.02 0.06,-0.75 0.11,-0.36 0.62,-1.11 0.65,-0.67 0.93,-0.71 0.54,-0.59 0.37,-0.86 1.03,-1.03 0.19,-0.29 -0.04,-0.85 0.07,-0.16 0.5,0.11 0.21,1.45 -0.12,0.65 -0.89,0.79 -0.11,0.28 0.16,1.08 -0.14,0.1 -0.34,-0.13 -0.11,0.07 0.84,1.17 0.27,0.91 0.04,0.81 -0.23,1.55 -0.25,0.26 -0.42,-0.09 -0.56,-0.48 -0.12,0.16 -0.44,1.2 -0.15,-0.11 -0.28,-1.42 -0.15,-0.11 -0.86,0.65 -0.34,0.62 -0.3,0.99 -0.38,0.46 1.07,0.1 0.96,-0.2 0.77,0.47 0.26,0.01 0.71,-0.46 0.22,-0.31 0.58,-1.5 0.29,-0.27 0.44,-0.01 0.42,-0.23 0.62,-0.82 0.02,-0.33 -0.23,-1.85 0.07,-1.05 -0.12,-0.33 -0.28,-0.35 0.04,-0.34 0.22,-0.55 0.02,-0.5 -0.19,-0.45 0.08,-0.51 0.59,-1.09 0.11,-0.48 0.72,-1.09 -0.18,-0.44 -0.53,-0.54 -0.33,-0.47 -0.34,-0.74 -0.26,-0.25 -0.08,0.11 0.36,1.21 -0.08,0.08 -0.93,-0.65 -0.22,-0.41 -0.11,-0.56 0.08,-0.42 0.5,-0.41 0.6,-0.15 -0.05,-0.35 -0.75,-1.13 -0.5,-0.52 -0.39,-0.25 -0.52,-0.07 -0.23,-0.19 -0.06,-0.27 0.11,-0.35 0.28,-0.11 0.8,0.14 0.43,-0.25 -0.04,-0.45 -0.13,-0.25 0.02,-1.62 -0.31,-1.32 -0.16,-0.22 -0.17,-0.02 -0.18,0.18 -0.5,0.05 -0.31,-0.43 -0.34,-0.84 -0.62,-2 0.96,0 4.01,0 4.01,0 4.01,0 4.01,0 4.01,0 4.01,0 4.01,0 4.01,0 4.01,0 4.01,0 4.01,0 4.01,0 4.01,0 0.98,0 0.02,2.28 0.01,2.28 0.01,2.28 0.01,2.27 0.01,2.26 0.01,2.25 0.01,2.25 0.01,2.24 0.01,2.23 0.01,2.23 0.01,2.22 0.01,2.21 0.01,2.21 0.01,2.2 0.01,2.19 0.01,2.19 -0.07,0.13 -0.06,0.32 0.27,0.91 0.63,1.32 0.2,0.93 -0.24,0.53 0.17,0.92 0.39,0.71 z m -55.4,-36.99 0.13,0.31 -0.38,0.3 -0.27,0.05 -0.43,-0.48 -0.19,-0.06 0.15,0.74 -0.05,0.25 -0.88,-0.46 -0.16,-0.36 0.25,-0.38 0.55,-0.4 0.19,-0.05 1.09,0.54 z m -2.18,2.44 0.25,0.46 -1.01,-0.3 -0.43,-0.27 -0.13,-0.26 -0.15,-0.86 0.07,-0.28 0.45,-0.1 0.85,1.06 0.1,0.55 z m 1.81,0.98 -0.15,0.14 -0.5,-0.19 -0.3,-0.32 -0.1,-0.39 0.19,-0.75 0.25,-0.19 0.16,0.04 0.07,0.66 0.45,0.7 -0.07,0.3 z m 2.34,3.88 0.46,1.84 0.2,-0.77 1.28,1.33 0,0.65 -0.16,0.22 -0.27,0.08 -0.25,-0.19 -0.23,-0.46 -0.29,-0.24 -0.61,-0.16 -0.32,-0.52 -0.11,-0.36 -0.03,-1.03 -0.15,-0.32 -0.33,-0.07 -0.31,-0.25 -0.48,-0.72 -0.07,-0.19 0.23,-0.59 0.52,-0.99 0.38,-0.47 0.24,0.05 0.29,0.3 0.35,0.54 -0.06,0.38 -1.41,0.75 -0.05,0.17 0.68,0.21 0.25,0.19 0.25,0.62 z m 0.71,7.86 -0.05,0.27 -0.52,-0.32 -0.17,-0.29 0.02,-0.66 0.13,-0.43 0.1,-0.09 0.31,0.19 0.09,0.11 0.09,1.22 z m 0.97,2.77 -0.04,0.32 -0.36,0.25 -0.19,-0.06 -0.01,-0.37 -0.1,-0.06 -0.39,0.45 0.03,-0.88 0.19,-0.93 0.17,-0.02 0.25,0.61 0.45,0.69 z m -4.32,2.64 -0.09,0.27 -0.13,-0.01 -0.29,-0.55 -0.04,-0.39 0.25,-0.28 0.34,0.81 -0.04,0.15 z"
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                d="m 929.59444,567.21606 -0.03,1.56 -0.02,1.56 -0.03,1.55 -0.02,1.55 1.2,-0.9 0.63,-0.32 2.05,-1.99 0.27,-0.01 0.71,0.28 1.47,-1.42 0.18,-0.51 0.17,-0.17 0.19,0.02 0.11,0.13 -0.07,0.3 0.11,0.14 0.61,0.34 0.84,0.19 0.12,0.02 0.75,-0.01 0.33,-0.28 0.17,-0.55 0.34,-0.32 0.76,-0.14 1.36,-0.56 0.78,0.09 0.67,0.57 0.67,0.27 0.68,-0.02 0.27,0.13 -0.16,0.29 0.18,0.34 0.51,0.38 0.18,0.35 -0.17,0.32 0.06,0.24 0.27,0.16 0.17,0.35 0.05,0.55 0.12,0.1 -0.61,1.45 -0.42,0.99 -1.06,-0.86 -1.6,-1.3 -0.7,-0.57 -1.22,-0.99 -0.27,0.5 -0.14,0.91 -0.36,0.89 -0.29,1.23 -1.38,1.95 -1.05,0.93 -0.32,-0.02 -0.28,0.19 -0.46,0.58 -0.59,0.5 -1.16,-0.02 -0.47,0.36 -0.3,0.58 -0.29,0.83 -0.45,0.65 -0.48,1.11 -0.35,0.59 -0.6,0.32 -0.87,-0.05 -1.02,-0.45 -0.19,-0.5 -0.29,-0.31 -0.4,-0.21 -0.39,0.05 -0.27,0.34 -0.44,1.68 -0.64,0.81 -0.28,0.83 -0.85,1.03 -0.65,1.6 -2.03,2.64 -0.55,0.87 -0.37,0.87 0.28,0.38 0.09,0.29 -0.43,0.65 -0.23,0.66 -0.52,0.44 -0.87,0.47 -0.26,-0.37 -0.15,-0.06 -2,0.81 -0.47,-0.01 -0.48,-0.26 -0.21,0.02 -0.18,0.09 -0.09,0.17 -0.01,0.7 -0.4,0.34 -0.27,0.11 -1.07,0.1 -1.13,0.36 -0.46,0 -1.16,-0.83 -0.65,0.61 -0.63,0.29 -0.74,0.56 -0.23,0.02 -0.68,-0.16 -0.86,-0.58 -0.72,-0.33 -0.44,-0.36 -0.35,-0.47 -0.25,-0.75 -0.3,-0.47 0.13,-0.41 -0.07,-0.38 -1.3,-0.37 -1.67,-1.38 -1.07,-1.67 -0.34,-0.78 -0.39,-0.53 -0.1,-0.53 -1,-1.39 -0.27,-0.6 -0.02,-0.38 0.32,-0.72 0.07,-0.35 -0.11,-1.78 -0.22,-0.33 1.09,0.4 1.04,-0.23 0.65,-0.55 0.25,-0.86 0.37,-0.51 0.46,-0.14 0.22,-0.38 -0.08,-0.93 -0.14,-0.64 0.37,-0.92 0.86,-1.42 0.67,-0.58 0.48,0.26 0.3,0.44 0.1,0.63 0.1,0.08 0.14,-0.01 0.36,-0.48 0.33,-0.19 0.13,0.05 0.14,-0.01 0.02,-0.31 -0.25,-0.86 0.02,-0.51 0.3,-0.15 0.32,-0.58 0.34,-1 0.41,-0.52 0.48,-0.02 0.51,-0.41 0.56,-0.8 0.5,-0.23 0.44,0.34 0.56,0.02 0.66,-0.29 1.16,-0.84 1.66,-1.4 0.84,-1.13 0.02,-0.87 0.64,-2.12 1.28,-3.38 0.62,-2.2 -0.02,-1 -0.18,-0.82 -0.34,-0.63 0.21,-0.5 1.11,-0.54 -0.01,1.42 0,1.42 0,1.43 0,1.42 0,1.42 0.01,1.41 0,1.42 0,1.41 1.22,0 1.23,0 1.23,0 1.22,0 1.23,0 1.22,0 1.23,0 z"
                title="West Virginia"
                d="m 698.47444,526.24606 0.01,3.2 0.01,3.18 0.01,3.18 0.01,3.16 0,3.15 0.01,3.14 0.01,3.12 0.01,3.12 -2.96,0 -2.95,0 -2.96,0 -2.96,0 -2.95,0 -2.96,0 -2.95,0 -2.96,0 -2.96,0 -2.95,0 -2.96,0 -2.96,0 -2.95,0 -2.96,0 -2.96,0 -2.95,0 -2.36,0 -2.36,0 -2.35,0 -2.36,0 -2.36,0 -2.36,0 -2.36,0 -2.35,0 0,-1.56 0,-1.56 0,-1.56 0,-1.56 0,-1.57 0,-1.57 0,-1.57 -0.01,-1.58 0,-1.97 0,-1.98 0,-1.98 0,-1.99 0,-1.99 0,-2 0,-2 0,-2.01 0,-2.01 0,-2.02 0,-2.02 0,-2.03 0,-2.04 0,-2.04 -0.01,-2.04 0,-2.05 0.01,-1.66 0,-1.65 0,-1.66 0,-1.67 2.06,0 2.07,0 2.06,0 2.06,0 2.07,0 2.06,0 2.06,0 2.07,0 2.06,0 2.06,0 2.06,0 2.07,0 2.06,0 2.06,0 2.07,0 2.06,0 2.06,0 2.07,0 2.06,0 2.06,0 2.07,0 2.06,0 2.06,0 2.07,0 2.06,0 2.06,0 2.07,0 2.06,0 2.06,0 2.07,0 2.06,0 2.06,0 0.01,3.31 0.01,3.3 0.01,3.28 0.01,3.26 0.01,3.26 0.01,3.24 0.01,3.22 z"


Adding pins requires defining x and y coordinates - those values will position your marker relative to the SVG element.

As Vector Map component can work with a variety of maps, it's not possible to position pins using longitude and latitude.

          <div id="map-with-pins" style="background-color: #b3e5fc;"></div>
          <div class="my-3 d-flex flex-wrap">
              class="btn btn-primary btn-map-with-pins m-1"
              class="btn btn-primary btn-map-with-pins m-1"
              data-mdb-label="New York"
              New York
              class="btn btn-primary btn-map-with-pins m-1"
              class="btn btn-primary btn-map-with-pins m-1"
              class="btn btn-primary btn-map-with-pins m-1"
              class="btn btn-primary btn-map-with-pins m-1"
          const map = document.getElementById('map-with-pins');
          const markers = [
              x: 474,
              y: 294,
              label: 'London',

          const mapInstance = new VectorMap(map, {
            fill: '#C8E6C9',
            hoverFill: '#A5D6A7',
            readonly: true,
            markerFill: '#F93154',
            markerStroke: '#F93154',
            selectRegion: 'GB',
            selectFill: '#81C784',

          document.getElementsByClassName('btn-map-with-pins').forEach((btn) => {
            const coordinates = {
              x: Number(btn.getAttribute('data-mdb-x')),
              y: Number(btn.getAttribute('data-mdb-y')),

            const region = btn.getAttribute('data-mdb-region');
            const label = btn.getAttribute('data-mdb-label');

            btn.addEventListener('click', () => {
                selectRegion: region,
                markers: [


Adding bullets requires defining x and y coordinates - those values will position your marker relative to the SVG element.

As Vector Map component can work with a variety of maps, it's not possible to position bullets using longitude and latitude.

          <div id="map-with-bullets"></div>
          const map = document.getElementById('map-with-bullets');

          const mapInstance = new VectorMap(map, {
            readonly: true,
            tooltips: false,
            hover: false,
            fill: '#E0E0E0',
            stroke: '#fff',
            btnClass: 'btn-secondary',
            markers: [
                x: 533,
                y: 290,
                label: 'Warsaw',
                type: 'bullet',
                fill: '#B23CFD',
                x: 267,
                y: 337,
                label: 'New York',
                type: 'bullet',
                fill: '#FFA900',
                x: 474,
                y: 294,
                label: 'London',
                type: 'bullet',
                fill: '#F93154',
                x: 505,
                y: 252,
                label: 'Oslo',
                type: 'bullet',
                fill: '#39C0ED',
                x: 481,
                y: 308,
                label: 'Paris',
                type: 'bullet',
                fill: '#00B74A',
                x: 800,
                y: 338,
                label: 'Beijing',
                type: 'bullet',
                fill: '#1266F1',

Advanced data visualization

Use buttons to toggle between displays (fill / pulsating bullets) and datasets (sales, employees, annual profit increase, sales increase)

          <section class="border mb-4 text-white" style="background-color: #37474f;">
            <div id="map-advanced"></div>
            <hr class="mt-0" />
            <div id="map-advanced-legend" class="d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center"></div>
            <hr />
            <div class="d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center">
              <button class="btn btn-light btn-map-advanced m-1" data-mdb-color="green" data-mdb-key="sales">
              <button class="btn btn-outline-light btn-map-advanced m-1" data-mdb-color="pink" data-mdb-key="employees">
              <button class="btn btn-outline-light btn-map-advanced m-1" data-mdb-color="blue" data-mdb-key="annualProfit">
                Annual Profit increase (2019-202)
              <button class="btn btn-outline-light btn-map-advanced m-1" data-mdb-color="purple" data-mdb-key="salesIncrease">
                Sales increase (2019-2020)
            <hr />
            <div class="d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center">
              <button class="btn btn-outline-light m-1 mb-3 map-advanced-display" data-mdb-bullets="true">
                Company units (bullets)
              <button class="btn btn-light m-1 mb-3 map-advanced-display" data-mdb-bullets="false">
                Countries (fills)
            const map = document.getElementById('map-advanced');
            const legend = document.getElementById('map-advanced-legend');
            const displayBtns = document.getElementsByClassName('map-advanced-display');
            const btns = document.getElementsByClassName('btn-map-advanced');

            let SHOW_BULLETS = false;
            let COLOR_MAP = null;
            let MARKERS = null;

            let ACTIVE_KEY = 'sales';
            let ACTIVE_COLOR = 'green';

            const DATA = [
                country: 'GB',
                sales: 45002,
                employees: 122,
                salesIncrease: 12,
                annualProfit: 10,
                units: [
                    x: 474,
                    y: 294,
                    label: 'GB-01',
                country: 'PL',
                sales: 1200,
                employees: 34,
                salesIncrease: 60,
                annualProfit: 49,
                units: [
                    x: 533,
                    y: 290,
                    label: 'PL-01',
                country: 'US',
                sales: 120000,
                employees: 1241,
                salesIncrease: 6,
                annualProfit: 3,
                units: [
                    x: 267,
                    y: 337,
                    label: 'US-01',
                    x: 180,
                    y: 320,
                    label: 'US-02',
                    x: 160,
                    y: 340,
                    label: 'US-03',
                country: 'CN',
                sales: 30000,
                employees: 400,
                salesIncrease: 40,
                annualProfit: 32,
                units: [
                    x: 800,
                    y: 338,
                    label: 'CN-01',
                    x: 700,
                    y: 350,
                    label: 'CN-02',
                country: 'NO',
                sales: 5000,
                employees: 23,
                salesIncrease: 10,
                annualProfit: 8,
                units: [
                    x: 505,
                    y: 252,
                    label: 'NO-01',
                country: 'SE',
                sales: 16000,
                employees: 120,
                salesIncrease: 13,
                annualProfit: 9,
                units: [
                    x: 515,
                    y: 242,
                    label: 'SE-01',
                country: 'FI',
                sales: 6500,
                employees: 40,
                salesIncrease: 5,
                annualProfit: 2,
                units: [
                    x: 545,
                    y: 242,
                    label: 'FI-01',
                country: 'FR',
                sales: 64500,
                employees: 230,
                salesIncrease: 4,
                annualProfit: 2,
                units: [
                    x: 481,
                    y: 308,
                    label: 'FR-01',
                country: 'DE',
                sales: 34500,
                employees: 100,
                salesIncrease: 12,
                annualProfit: 9,
                units: [
                    x: 510,
                    y: 308,
                    label: 'DE-01',
                    x: 510,
                    y: 290,
                    label: 'DE-02',
                country: 'BE',
                sales: 4000,
                employees: 24,
                salesIncrease: 80,
                annualProfit: 67,
                units: [
                    x: 490,
                    y: 298,
                    label: 'BE-01',
                country: 'IT',
                sales: 14500,
                employees: 140,
                salesIncrease: 0.4,
                annualProfit: 0.2,
                units: [
                    x: 510,
                    y: 320,
                    label: 'IT-01',
                country: 'CA',
                sales: 94500,
                employees: 1300,
                salesIncrease: 24,
                annualProfit: 19,
                units: [
                    x: 267,
                    y: 307,
                    label: 'CA-01',
                    x: 180,
                    y: 260,
                    label: 'CA-02',

            const COLORS = {
              green: [
              pink: [
              blue: [
              purple: [

            const updateLegend = (min, max) => {
              const colorLegend = COLORS[ACTIVE_COLOR].map(
                (color) => `<div style="height: 30px; width: 30px; background-color: \$\{color\}"></div>`

              legend.innerHTML = `<small class="mt-5">${min}</small>${colorLegend}<small class="mt-5">${max}</small>`;

            const getColorMap = () => {
              const values = => entry[ACTIVE_KEY]);
              const max = Math.max(...values);
              const min = Math.min(...values);

              let maxLabel = max;
              let minLabel = min;

              if (ACTIVE_KEY === 'salesIncrease' || ACTIVE_KEY === 'annualProfit') {
                minLabel = `${min}%`;
                maxLabel = `${max}%`;

              updateLegend(minLabel, maxLabel);

              const step = Math.floor((max - min) / (COLORS[ACTIVE_COLOR].length - 1));

              const colorMap = COLORS[ACTIVE_COLOR].map((color, i) => {
                return {
                  fill: color,
                  regions: [],

              values.forEach((value, i) => {
                let valueLabel = ACTIVE_KEY === 'salesIncrease' || ACTIVE_KEY === 'annualProfit' ? `${value}%` : value;

                const color = Math.floor((value - min) / step);
                colorMap[color].regions.push({ id: DATA[i].country, tooltip: valueLabel, ...DATA[i] });

              return colorMap;

            COLOR_MAP = getColorMap();

            const mapInstance = new VectorMap(map, {
              stroke: '#37474F',
              fill: '#263238',
              readonly: true,
              hover: false,
              btnClass: 'btn-light',
              colorMap: COLOR_MAP,

            const getMarkers = () => {
              const markers = [];

              COLOR_MAP.forEach((color) => {
                color.regions.forEach((region) => {
                  const units = => ({
                    fill: color.fill,
                    type: 'bullet',


              return markers;

            const updateMap = () => {
              COLOR_MAP = getColorMap();
              MARKERS = getMarkers();

              if (SHOW_BULLETS) {
                  markers: getMarkers(),
                  colorMap: [],
              } else {
                  markers: [],
                  colorMap: COLOR_MAP,

            const setActiveBtn = (active, btns) => {
              btns.forEach((btn) => {
                if (btn === active) {
                } else {

            btns.forEach((btn) => {
              btn.addEventListener('click', () => {
                ACTIVE_KEY = btn.getAttribute('data-mdb-key');
                ACTIVE_COLOR = btn.getAttribute('data-mdb-color');


                setActiveBtn(btn, btns);

            displayBtns.forEach((btn) => {
              btn.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
                SHOW_BULLETS = btn.getAttribute('data-mdb-bullets') === 'true';


                setActiveBtn(btn, displayBtns);

Vector maps - API


Via data attributes

All options with an exeption of colorMap can be set via data-mdb-attributes.

        <div class="vector-map" data-mdb-readonly="true" data-mdb-stroke="#fff"></div>     

Via JavaScript

        const map = document.getElementById('my-map');

        new VectorMap(map, { 
          readonly: true,
          stroke: '#fff',
          colorMap: [
              fill: '#E0E0E0',
              regions: ['GB', 'PL']

Via jQuery

Note: By default, MDB does not include jQuery and you have to add it to the project on your own.

        $('#my-map').vectorMap('select', 'CN');   


Options can be passed via data attributes, JavaScript, or jQuery. For data attributes, append the option name to data-mdb-, as in data-mdb-select-fill="".

Name Type Default Description
btnClass String 'btn-dark' Classname for toolbar buttons
colorMap Array [] Allows to create a custom fill and tooltips for an array of regions
fill String '#E0E0E0' Sets the region's default fill
fillOpacity Number 1 Sets the default fill's opacity
hover Boolean true Changes a path's fill on hover
hoverFill String '#BDBDBD' Sets the fill's value on hover
map String 'world' Selects the map (available options: world, europer, worldPacific, africa, northAmerica)
markers Array [] Adds markers (pins/bullets) to your map
markerFill String '#757575 Sets the default marker's fill
markerStroke String '#000 Sets the default marker's stroke
markerInnerFill String 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)' Sets the default fill for the pin's inner circle
markerStrokeWidth Number 1.2 Sets the default marker's stroke width
readonly Boolean false Disables selecting regions
scale Number 1 Sets the map's initial scale
selectFill String '#B23CFD' Sets the selection's color
selectRegion String - Sets the initial selection (the value has to correspond to a region's ID - f.e. alpha2Code)
stroke String '#000' Sets a stroke's color
strokeLinejoin String 'round' Sets a stroke's linejoin
strokeOpacity Number 1 Sets a stroke's opacity
strokeWidth Number 0.5 Sets a stroke's width
tooltips Boolean true Enables/disabled tooltips
width String/Number Sets the SVG element's width property
height String/Number Sets the SVG element's height property
zoomEvents Boolean true Enables/disables zoom events (wheel, pinch)
zoomMax Number Sets the maximum for the scale
zoomMin Number 1 Sets the minimum for the scale
zoomStep Number 0.5 Sets the zoom's step (buttons)

Marker options

Those options can be set for each object in the markers array

Name Type Default Description
type String 'pin' Changes the type of marker - available options: 'pin', 'bullet'
x Number 0 x coordinate
y Number 0 y coordinate
r (type="bullet") Number 5 bullet's radius
fill String marker's main fill (if not provided, the general option markerFill will be used)
stroke String marker's stroke (if not provided, the general option markerStroke will be used)
strokeWidth Number marker's stroke width (if not provided, the general option markerStrokeWidth will be used)
innerFill (type="pin") String marker's inner fill (if not provided, the general option markerInnerFill will be used)

Built-in maps

Vector Map component offers several built-in maps:

  • world
  • europe
  • worldPacific
  • africa
  • northAmerica

Most of them use alpha2Code as a country's ID (list), but those with subdivisions use regional codes (ISO 3166).


Name Parameters Description Example
select Selects a map's region - the argument has to correspond to a region's ID (f.e. alpha2Code)'PL')
dispose Removes the VectorMap instance. instance.dispose()
update Update the instance's options instance.update({ colorMap: [] })
getInstance element Static method which allows to get the vectorMap instance associated with a DOM element. VectorMap.getInstance(element)
        const map = document.getElementById('my-map');
        const instance = VectorMap.getInstance(map);'GB');


Name Description
select Emitted after selecting a region
markerClick.mdb.vectorMap Emitted after clicking on a marker. You can access the marker with event.marker.
        const map = document.getElementById('my-map');
        map.addEventListener('select', (e) => {


MDB UI KIT also works with module bundlers. Use the following code to import this component:

        import VectorMap from 'mdb-vector-maps';